Anjali Patel and Mona Patel

Anjali Patel (18) interviews her mother Mona Patel (41). Anjali asked Mona about her childhood in India and differences between her life then and her life when she came to the United States. They also discussed Mona's college years, happy...

Kate Freeman and Kim Banker

Kate Freeman (52) talks with her niece Kim Banker (36) about Kate’s Navy service, the 18 months she spent in Botswana serving in the Peace Corps, and how her Peace Corps experiences changed her. Kate now wants to go back...

Henri Serverius and Philippe Serverius

Henri Serverius (18) talks with his father Philippe Serverius (50) about his childhood growing up in Belgium, the implications of the roots of his African mother, his decision to leave Europe behind and move to NYC, and the first hand...