Scott Beauchamp looks back on his life

Scott Beauchamp (53) talks with his daughter, Jenna Beauchamp (15) about his life growing up, which includes his best and worst memories. Also, he talks about what his goals were for his life, and whether or not he had any...

Salvatore Vitale Interview – 8/16/88

Grandpa Salvatore speaks about enlisting in the military, service on the Lexington aircraft carrier during WW2, and life after the war.

Nell Schneider #4, 7/12/21

Nell Schneider (6/18/1930-) talks with her grandson, Matthew Harrison, and her daughter (Matthew's mother), Sue Harrison, at her Glendale Wisconsin home. During this interview, Nell discusses World War II; the attack on Pearl Harbor; food and recipes; changes in technology...

Auntie-Grandma Jewel (sibling #7)

In the midst of the pandemic my family has been blessed with new life. I spoke with my Aunt Jewel about the experience of becoming a great-grandma during the outbreak. I thought I knew my aunt pretty well but this...

Barry Gordon

Barry Gordon (82) talks with his children Allegra (42) and Jeremy Gordon (36) about stories from childhood, science experiments, and his unique path from physics to the psychology of encounter groups and psychics in the 1970s, and into a career...

Interview With my 89 year-old Grandpa

My Grandpa was born in 1930. We talked about everything from the start of WWII to him going on road trips with my Grandma and all of their kids. We even talked about who he voted for in the 1948...

Dad's Family Memories

In this interview I conducted in November 2022 in Larkspur California, I interviewed Thomas Gaine, 49 male who is my father. in the interview, he talked about childhood experiences he had and how that shaped him as a person today....

Will Goldberg with Seena Goldberg

Will Goldberg: 2021-11-28 17:41:34 I talked to my Grandmother about her childhood and her family. I also talked to her about Parenthood and memories about her children.

2 Jenny Rask Interview 3/4 of Father Gene Rask about the births of his brothers and their relationship with their father.

Jenny Rask: 2020-08-25 Jenny Rask (49), Interviews father Gene Rask (88), about the births of his brothers and their relationship with their father growing up in Butte, Montana. Gene talks about his father's advice to his children, his parenting style...

Jackie Adkins and Theresa Adkins Lewis: A Mother-Daughter Conversation

On Mother's Day 2020, Theresa Lewis (48) interviewed her mother, Jackie Adkins (85), to discuss a range of topics that allowed Theresa to learn more about her mother. Specifically, they talked about Jackie's joys and sorrows throughout her life and...

My Private Army

My 91 year old grandpa, Joe Jedeikin, was a young Jewish boy growing up in Switzerland during the Nazi Era. He tells a story about a fearful incident with the Nazis during his travels to his aunt's wedding in Latvia.

Kurt Wahl and Susan Beesley Talk family memories, youthful mistakes and getting along with Covid-19.

Kurt Wahl: 2020-11-25 23:03:38 Kurt Wahl, 58, brother-in-law to Sue Beesley talked about old times; kids and marriage; and driving the old VW bug across the country without air conditioning. Sue talked about work and getting layed off because of...

Zach Tusinger interviews his Grandmother Janice Tusinger about the Pandemic and the 2020 Election.

2021-01-24: Zach Tusinger (35) talks to his grandmother Janice Tusinger (84) about living through the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic and the recent 2020 election and inauguration. She shares several memories about growing up and various Twentieth Century elections and...

Generational Differences- Vanessa Muniz Interview w/ María Álvarez
December 5, 2022 App Interview

Interviewing my mother, Maria Alvarez, on her upbringing and it’s similarities/differences with my upbringing. Questions asked: -where did you grow up •religion •structure -coming to the US •differences •having children & teachings •religion -best accomplishments

Rommel Noufi and Daughter: Check Your Tire Pressure.

Corinne Noufi (28) and her father, Rommel Noufi (72), explore the evolution of their father-daughter relationship following Rommel's life-threatening heart attack. They examine how this incident deepened their connection, highlighting the complex interplay of love, fear, and protection that now...

Interviewing Barbara and Steven Carr

Hermione Lu (16) interviews family friends Barbara Carr (72) and Steven Carr (75) about growing up in San Diego and their life when Steven was drafted and joined the Coast Guard.

Millie and her Nonno Lee

Lee Miller (76) in NYC speaks with his granddaughter Millie (13) who lives in Rome, Italy. He recounts growing up in Brooklyn in the 1950's & 60's, and share stories about his father, her great grandfather fighting in World WarII...

Ben Wick and Felice Padma Wick

Ben Wick talks with his mother, Padma Wick, about the journey of her family to the US from Austria during World War II.

Kaelin Barke and Petra Marks

Kaelin Barke: 2020-11-29 00:17:18 I interview my grandmother about how her younger life was including her childhood, parents, grandparents, school, and her husband.

Dee Ann Tumbuan and Ellie Tumbuan

Sisters Dee Ann Tumbuan (39) and Ellie Tumbuan (42) discuss their childhood, moving around the country, summertime road trips and positive influential women from their parents' church, life lessons and their good friend Steve.