People of the Rio Grande Valley BorderTowns: Fernando "Usually when I play my sets I want the drop to be clear when it's going to be there."

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Fernando Torres and I talk about his goals as a computer science major and music DJ in the Rio Grande Valley. Fernando has organically fallen into the role of photographer's apprentice while...

From Mexico to The USA, Lessons My Grandma Learned Along the Way

My grandma talks about the lessons she values most, memories that make her who she is today, and funny stories about our family and it’s past.

Storytelling class final interview exam. David Ohlsen

Talked about past life experiences, current, and future. I have known Fern for about 10 years now. Went to high school with him and we have been best friends ever since. It was very interesting to sit down with him...

Dad at nearly 50

Getting to know my dad’s childhood in Spanglish. From San Rafael, a small ranch near Huejucar, Jalisco, Mexico to Southern California and three very American daughters. He talks about life lessons and loss.

"We Come from a Line of Strong Women"

In this recording Abigail Jacobo interviews her mother, Ana Jacobo about her life in Mexico, what it was like to immigrate to the United States, and about her family. Almost 29 years ago Ana came to this country and was...

Storytelling Assignment

I interviewed my father for an assigment for my speech class in college (Collin College). Picture above is me, my mom and my dad when they got married through the church.