My Grandma’s Schooling and Career

In this interview, I learn about what school- elementary through high school- was like. I also learn about her high school jobs and how she found her way to being a hair dresser.

Arjun interviews his dad, Anand Gramopadhye, and Anand talks about his journey through life

In this interesting interview, Anand talks about a multitude of subjects. The topics include childhood in India and how he lead an active and fun youth life. This leads to influential figures in his life which have really shaped him....

Jerry Freimark: father, grandfather, great-grandfather, Holocaust survivor

We discussed life in Germany before WWII, coming to America as a Jewish immigrant, and experiences as a Jew in Germany and America.

Sarah Gibson and Patricia Perdomo

Patricia "Patty" Perdomo (62) speaks with her daughter Sarah Gibson (29) about growing up, attending high school in Boston and meeting her future husband eight days after arriving in the USA.