Tiffany and Ray

Tiffany (17) talks with her father Ray (55) about his childhood and journey to America.

Stories From an Immigrant

I interviewed my father, an immigrant originally from Nanjing, China. He talks about his childhood, struggles and pressure in high school, college experiences in China and America, and what motivated him to immigrate to America.

Weruche George and Rae George

Rae George (17) interviews her mother, Weruche George (44), about her high school experience in Nigeria, life advice she has for young people, and the hopes she has for her children.

Alice "Putty" Willetts. A Swarthmorean Life.

Alice "Putty" Willetts grew up in Swarthmore, and has lived here nearly 100 years. She is interviewed by her former gym class student who is now also a senior citizen, Barbara Bernhardt. Putty taught gym for decades. She was on...

Think Positive, be positive.

I talk with my mom about her life stories, I was really young when we first came here so I didn't know about what happened back in Nepal and India. We talked about how it was growing up and childhood...