Valentina M-First generation interview

An interview with Valentina about being first generation college student at Calvin University.

Historical methods interview with Mom

My mom is a loving person but does not like to show emotion or admit to them. I realized it would be difficult to try and get depth into her answers

“Your mom was a month early… and she was little and tiny and really cute!”

Jody (Edna Jo) LaFevers was raised in an old 2 story house with a big front porch in a small town on the Missouri border called Viola. Her mother would make all of her clothes, including her prom dress, so...

Jane talks about her reaction to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Q: Where were you when the 9/11 incidient occured? A: I was with my child sending him to school and I saw black smoke from far away. I did not know what happened. I went home afterwards and the radio...

"Don't forget where you come from"

Andrew Moreno (16) interviews his older cousin Christian Moreno (28) about his life. Christian shares some of his most profound accomplishments of his life. Andrew and Christian share some insight on their family and how they are the first generation...