My Interview with Carol VanBesien in Oxford, Mississippi

My interviewee was Carol VanBesien. Carol is a close family friend who is origionally from Missouri. She is very passionate for music like the piano and cello. Carol is grateful for her family and friends that support her through everything....

The Life of a Music Producer

A brief glimpse of the creative process and mind of a music producer.

“We had a shuffle board tournament party and we invited John Lennon”

Scott Sklar grew up in Manhattan as the son of Rick Sklar, who ran ABC Radio in New York. His childhood was something special, as he was constantly in the presence of popular culture icons and attended some of the...

“There was this socially isolated, “Bitch”, that I had to be to protect my vulnerable self”.

A 33 year-old artist retells his story of surviving child sexual abuse, and the role the trauma played in his growth & development.

An Interview with Dave Holt
January 16, 2018 App Interview

Kevin Kim (17) interviews his English tutor Dave Holt (69) about his childhood in a small town in Canada. Mr. Holt shares his story about living throughout the Cold War. He talks about his native American heritage experience. At minute...

Uncle Gary Lazzara: From the Past to the Future

After over 10 years of pancake-filled breakfasts and festive holidays with him, Felicity finally decided it was time to give back. For the first time in a long time coming, she decided to put her Uncle Gary in the spotlight....

Quarantine interview with Cairo and Luke

Cairo Weaver and Luke Murphy had an interview during the quarantine about life, their favorite memories, and what they plan on doing after the pandemic.

Max Plummer and his Father Josh

Max talks with his Father about childhood memories and adulthood. Music and activities that he enjoys are mentioned as well, like movies.

Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family.

Jenny Rask: 2020-11-16 00:25:40 Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family. Starting off talking about the 2020 elections and Biden/Harris winning the election, turning the republican dominated senate democratic. He remember the life...

Helen Thompson & the Great Thanksgiving Listen 2015

Artist & world traveler, Helen Thompson reflects on her life in an interview with her son.

Julia Parzecki and Margaret Parzecki – Life in Poland and Adapting to America (Reuploaded)

Julia Parzecki (18) talks with her mother, Margaret Parzecki (51), about her childhood in Warsaw, Poland, and how her life changed when she moved to the United States.

Mugshots: Lindsey and Christine Jancay

Mother and daughter, Christine and Lindsey, have made it a tradition to come to Musikfest every year. Christine loves the food and music, and Lindsay shares how Musikfest helped her discover a love and interest in history and Bethlehem's storied...