The Taiwanese Perspective of America

When interviewing my grandparents (Ama, 80, and Agong 85), I asked them about their childhood, jobs, and experience moving to America from Taiwan. We discussed the contrasts between their lives, and the contrasts of an American life versus a Taiwanese...

Jesse Barnes and Yong Ho Lee

Interview describing what it was like to immigrate to the United States from South Korea in 1974, eventually becoming one of the first Asian police office in a three county area (centered around Brazos County) in Texas in 1988.

Marylu y Jenny Botello

Daughter asks her mother about her different experiences in the process of immigrating to States from Mexico.

Dolores Sheff and Nancy Jones

One Small Step conversation partners Dolores Sheff (63) and Nancy Jones (70) discuss voting for different parties, but sharing many common interests and opinions around being compassionate towards others, education, money in politics, abortion, gun control, anti-depressants and joy.

A Conversation with my Friend's Dad about Technology affects the Workspace and American Culture

Mr. Kundu and I have a conversation on his experiences and difficulties (or lack theorf) in coming to America, through his education to working up the corporate ladder and eventually starting his own consulting business. Then we go on a...

Mom’s journey to America

My mom explaining how she was able to come to America, and what she had to do in order to do so.

Steve Aufrecht and Jerrad Anderson

One Small Step conversation partners Steve Aufrecht (76) and Jerrad Anderson (40) talk about their backgrounds, political beliefs, and the current political climate.

The History of the Ross family, with Kevin Ross. From Mexico, to Arizona, to California.

Ashton Ross interviews his father Kevin Ross about his life, values, and family history. And they discuss the regional history of California, Arizona, and Mexico, and what it’s like to live on the border of two unique cultures.

Vanessa Davis-Frederick and Mindi Moran

One Small Step conversation partners Vanessa Davis-Frederick (34) and Mindi Moran (19) have a conversation about influential people in their lives, religion, and the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Melody Lin and Charles Loring Woodman

Melody Lin (65) interviewed by her husband (Charles) Loring Woodman (75) about her childhood in Taiwan, marrying an American man and moving to Southern California, having a child with him, their divorce, her being a single mother, meeting and marrying...

Nada Ismael and Stan Gordon

[Recorded: December 20, 2022] Nada and Stan have a One Small Step Conversation. Nada is an undergraduate at the University of Virginia and advocates strongly for uplifting others. She shares a passion for learning history and addressing several social issues...

Immigration Stories Italy: Lamin Tamba

Lamin Tamba, who goes by Lamin, and in our interview he shares horrific details of his journey from Senegal to Libya and then ultimately pushed onto a boat into the Mediterranean Sea in complete darkness, hoping he makes it safely...

Nelly Murstein and Benjamin Wolozin

Benjamin "Ben" Wolozin (62) interviews his mother-in-law Nelly Murstein (88) about her life. They discuss her childhood in Lebanon during a civil war and WWII, her life in the States, how she met her husband, her career as an educator,...