Albert W. Wolfgang and Jamie Gunoskey

Al Wolfgang “Pap” tells the story of saving a prisoner’s life in WWII, and the compass that the grateful soldier gave him in return. He also reminisces with to his grandson about his father Henry and his uncle Amos.

An interview with Dad

An interview between a daughter and her 91 year old father and some of his history as a Chicano growing up in Los Angeles and his life in the Marine Corps.

Michael Ellis & Alexis Bierman

I interviewed my uncle Michael Ellis he lives in Hawaii and is here for the holidays, I also interviewed Alexis Bierman my twin sister that lives with me. They are my two favorite people and I am blessed that I...

Meaghan Young and Céire Smyth Martínez

One Small Step partners, Meaghan Young (42) and Céire Smyth Martínez (41) discuss the importance of human rights, their respective journey's with grief, and their hopes for the future.

La historia de Ahmed Rodríguez, un refugiado cubano que vive su sueño americano.

Esta es la historia de mi amigo de once años Ahmed Rodríguez. Ahmed nos cuenta sobre su cultura y todas dificultades que vivió en Cuba. Finalmente llega a los Estados Unidos como refugiado después de años y varios intentos fallidos...

Migration, Social Justice and Human Rights Interview: Natividad Hernandez

The following interview was recorded as an assignment for and MSW course. The interviewee was chosen for her unique relationship to topics of immigration as a once undocumented immigrants and now a fully accredited Department of Justice representative.

David Larbi and Judy "Chess" Cheserek

[Recorded Monday, July 17, 2023] David (26) and Chess (34) have a One Small Step Conversation in Charlottesville. David is from Ghana and is a human rights activist advocating for youth empowerment and LGBTQIA+ rights across the African continent. Chess...