Rita T. and Sarah D. Thanksgiving

My grandma Rita Timm, talked about her life living in Iowa. Sarah got to learn more about her life and her perspective of Iowa.

Q & A with my dad

In this interview we talked about my dads personality and profession.

Interview With My Opa

Born one of seven in World War Two Germany, Emil (Mike) Kropf speaks about his life—his experience coming to America, being drafted in the U.S. army, meeting the love of his life on a train and coming back to raise...

How Omi immigrated into the United States

We talked about how Omi got from Germany to America and how she felt during the trip.

Thanksgiving Bonus Activity

Me and grandfather talked about his life and how my family came to this country.

One of the most life-changing events happened on that corner. This man cared enough about a street urchin to pick him up off the street.

(This interview contains strong language and brief descriptions of sexual acts.) As a highly-attractive young gay man, Randy quickly fit into the Dallas gay bar scene, found problems with drugs, sex, and prostitution. When he prostituted in front of Dallas...

Bringing Nature to Denver's Homeless Shelters

This interview is with Laura who used to work at the Delores Project. She shares the positive benefits bringing nature into homeless shelters has on the people who utilize them.

WWII and Escaping East Germany

This is a interview containing a personal account of living through WWII from the point of view of my Great Aunt Rosemary. A time of turmoil described from someone that attempted to escape the hardships of life.

Rita Jannusch McKenzie – Life in Germany, life in the United States

My grandma and I drove through a starbucks and sat in the parking lot to do the interview. I asked the first question, sort of knowing the answer would be germany; I figured it would be a good place to...

Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

Kimberly Hopkins and Connie Lint

Kimberly Hopkins (63) speaks with her sister, Connie Lint (69), about her time serving as mechanic in the Air Force and a member of the National Guard. Kimberly considers the discrimination she faced as a woman in the military and...

Growing up in Germany and immigrating to the U.S.

What was it like growing up in Germany, and how does it compare to living in the United States.

Amy Yarger discusses Urban Prairies Project in Colorado with Karyn Light-Gibson

Karyn, a graduate student at Miami University, talks with Amy Yarger. Amy works at the Butterfly Pavilion as the Horticulture Director. She talks with Karyn about the Urban Prairies Project and its importance to the overall biodiversity of Denver, surrounding...

Bob Carstensen, Shane Randel, and Robin Randel

Bob Carstensen (94) shares a conversation with his daughter Robin Randel (68) and grandson Shane Randel (48), about his memories with his family, his experiences in World War II and The Great Depression, and his relationship with his grandchildren and...