Interviewing my Grandma

My name is Carli Petersen I’m 16 years old and I interviewed my grandma Diane Wilson. I asked her about where she grew up and what it was like. I also asked her about the worst thing she did as...

Kristina Bridges and Amy Saltzman Michel

One Small Step conversation partners Kristina Bridges (41) and Amy Saltzman Michel (41) compare their experiences in their respective communities, as mothers, their personal views, and navigating political conflict with loved ones.

Nancy Harness and Eric Keller

One Small Step conversation partners and siblings Nancy Harness (66) and Eric Keller (57) talk about growing up in the same household at different time periods and how that shaped their differing world views. They also discussed the Covid vaccine,...

Interview with Mom

Talking with my mom about her childhood, marriage and more

Teri Mott and Krista Anderson

One Small Step partners Teri Mott (61) and Krista Anderson (61) talk about their personal political values, the issues that have become personal to them, and their experiences with religion.

Vanessa Schoon Smith and Heather Brownlie

One Small Step partners Vanessa Schoon Smith (45) and Heather Brownlie (50) discuss the assumptions people make about them, political extremism drowning out moderatism, social media encouraging divisiveness, and their hopes for the future.

Timothy Ratzlaff and Cyndi White

One Small Step participants Timothy Ratzlaff (64) and Cyndi White (66) have a conversation about the hardships in farming and keeping family land, the climate crisis, and advice to their younger selves.

Terri Davis and Bob Gratton

One Small Step participants Terri Davis (67) and Bob Gratton (61) discuss their upbringing, the loses they have faced, and their thoughts on politics and media today.

Teriyana Morton and Noah Hallstrom

Teriyana Morton (28) interviews her new friend and conversation partner Noah Hallstrom (29), about his childhood, his family, and his experiences with mental health and neurodivergence.

We are related to Benjamin Franklin

I learned that me and my grandma are related to Benjamin Franklin. I learned she lived in 8 Different states. Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, and Texas. not in the order. And she lived in 38 different...

Darlene Nuse and Greg Alexander

One Small Step conversation partners Darlene Nuse (70) and Greg Alexander (46) discuss how they grew up, their faith, the effects of social media on youth, increasing divides and "true Kansas values: individuals helping other people."

Patrick Tyrrell and Charlotte Hammond

One Small Step conversation partners Patrick Tyrrell (20) and Charlotte Hammond (18) find many commonalities and differences in their life experiences, general attitudes towards life and dreams of the future. They discuss religion, their parents, abortion and sex ed, and...

Global studies interview

We basically just talked about her child hood and how she felt when i came into this world

Interview with Craig McPhie

In this interview, in November 2018, Craig McPhie shares stories and talks about his childhood and family including his father who flew planes during WWII. He also talks about his school, an inspiring biology teacher, and his interests in science...

Raleigh Hinman and Ty Patton

One Small Step conversation partners Raleigh Hinman [no age given] and Ty Patton [no age given] talk about polarization, politics, corporate regulations, and what is means to be Kansan.

Interview with Opa
November 25, 2018 App Interview

We had a good talk together and laughed and talked about him as a child my dad as a child and about my opa's military life as well. Opa is German for "grandad." My dad was born in Germany when...

“I wanted nothing to do with the war”

This is a story of my grandfather who lived in Kansas at the time of the Vietnam war, and how he was able to avoid the draft. He watch his fraternity brothers get drafted into the war where some of...

My grandfathers story

My grandpas name is Charles Shaw and he is 82. He married my grandma Cleta Shaw. he served in the army and worked in many places.