Someone in English Class

The interview was about the questions that I asked in the interview

Me and Dad(Mason and Will)

Me and my dad talked about what his life was like back then and how it influenced him to become what he is today.

Me and my uncle talk about his life

Myself Samuel Villa and my uncle Venancio Torres talk about his past experiences of his life. My uncle studies a lot of religion and other stuff like that. He also is retired from 30 years of working for General Motors.

Janielle Calaunan and Stephanie Rosas discuss local food

A discussion focused on local food consumption with conversation surrounding family traditions, future intentions, and current association with local foods. Also taking a look at what future generations can do to increase the accessibility to local foods.


In this interview I am a 14 year old boy who interviews his older 18 year old brother. Most of the questions I ask are not about family because we are family.

Stephanie Perron and Rory Caygill-Walsh

Rory Caygill-Walsh (42) and Stephanie Perron (41) describe each other as one another's "person." They talk about the support they've shown one another and discuss the meaning of loss and grief.

Zoe and Bubbe

I asked Bubbe about her family and my dad growing up.

Sam and Jennifer Bollman talk about her childhood.

We bounced around her life for the most part. We started off with how she met my dad and to their marriage, then we got to when my brother and I came into the picture.

Andrew and Ethan discuss preparing for the climate emergency

We discussed how the climate crisis and resource descent relates to attention fatigue and stress. Andrew shared his insights about how people can cope with the anxiety brought about the climate crisis, and technic that he has used personally.

Jillian and Christian discuss preparing for the climate emergency

We discussed the climate emergency and resource descent and their impacts on attention and stress. We included ways that individuals and communites can cope with these stressors, from personal experience and academic sources.

Our Great Thanksgiving Listen Tj and Alvin Li

In this interview, Tianjie Li, the father of Alvin Li, is interviewed during December, 2017 in Novi, Michigan about his life, and what he thinks of it. TJ begins by sharing his childhood experience, from his economic state, to his...

The old Flint: The great Thanksgiving listen 2017

Jajuan and Rochelle cover topics ranging from early life in michigan, to war, to current generations from the perspective of two close friends separated only by generations.

Thelma E. Robinson-Bloesing, age 101, as a young adult and running a trucking company in the 1940’s as a woman. (Part 2)

Thelma shared the story of her first marriage, the start of their trucking company, her divorce and eventual sale of her trucking company, her trip to California and the accident that resulted in the unexpected death of her father.

Mary Cowell & Alexis Cowell

Growing up was a struggle that taught many lessons and gained knowledge. Having children was another mile stone that shaped her into the person she is today. Having an relationship with God that helped her through all of the hard...

Great Thanksgiving Listen: How I Met Your Mother

In this interview, conducted on November 30, 2017 in Flint, Michigan, Savannah Brown (15) interviews her dad, Danyel Brown (55), about his childhood and how it has made him mature over the years. Mr. Brown shares funny stories but towards...