"I have always felt at home wherever I go."

Aileen and Alison talk about growing up on a farm, moving to Richmond, teaching at RHS, and her retired life as a community volunteer.

Bridget and her children talk about fostering a sense of empathy and responsibility in their family and community

Alison and Bridget talk with her children about making the family decision to welcome a newborn into their family. Cash has changed their family for the better and helped their children gain a new perspective on life!

Alisa Baum & Krista Ortgiesen

Alisa Baum and Krista Ortgiesen started taking classes and volunteering at the Old Town School in the early 2000s, and haven't left since. In this excerpt of a conversation recorded at the school on March 22nd, 2017, the longtime friends...

"Deep down inside I felt like something wasn't normal. And it turns out it wasn't."

Kelly Plunkett speaks with her Nurse-Family Partnership nurse Kyla Pfannenstiel at Children First about her journey to becoming her son's biggest advocate & a confident mom. With Kyla's support, Kelly overcame homelessness relating to domestic violence, and was persistent in...

From battling addiction to trying to be the best mom, I’m really proud I didn’t give up.

Oyuny Bahena speaks with nurse Regina Vittore about her journey -- from battling heroin addiction and homelessness while pregnant to becoming the strong mom she is today. She credits her Nurse-Family Partnership nurses that stuck with her and guided her...

Reflections on Coming Out as an African-American Gay Male

"In high school I tried to date girls, but in the back of my mind I knew I didn't want anything more than friendship from them."

Ralph talks about his identity and family of origins, not wanting to be in a box, and his desire for community.

Ralph grew up in Philadelphia. He describes his family's values of kindness, growing up with a mother who was bi-polar, and his constant desire for community. He speaks on his identity, age, and speaking one's mind. He moved to San...