“Be informed about the whole process… and be curious.” An Interview with Gael Cascioli

Gael Cascioli is a planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center where he focuses on planetary geodesy — the measuring of the gravity field and shape of a planet — and is working on the upcoming VERITAS mission which,...

“Important astrobiology questions require that people in a lot of different fields… find common language.” An interview with Lindsay Hays

As a program scientist for the astrobiology program, the Mars Sample Return program, and the DAVINCI mission, Lindsay Hays’s domain spans from NASA HQ to Venus to Mars and back again. Lindsay became one of the first to witness images...

"…people can be successful at science from any sorts of backgrounds." An interview with Erik Klemetti.

As an associate professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences and volcanologist at Denison University, Erik Klemetti works on volcanoes all over the planet, from Chile to New Zealand to the Cascades of Oregon and California. His research focusses on how...

The Many Labors of Tom Sheffler (Episode III: The Life and Times of Thomas Henry Sheffler)

Happy Labor Day! My husband Don and I chatted with my father-in-law Tom Sheffler about the dignity of labor and the changes in workplace ethics over his lifetime. At eighty-three, he works harder than anyone I know. In this chat,...

“How far you go [in your science career] depends on how big your curiosity is." A conversation with David Moore.

David Moore is a first-year graduate student at UCLA. He is studying tropical cyclones, also known as typhoons or hurricanes, on Earth. In his graduate research work, David is researching how to bridge the gap between planetary atmospheres and meteorology...

Open source maintainership with Emma Irwin

Emma Irwin explores a nuanced view of open source maintainership in today’s landscape, digging into what characteristics good maintainers cultivate, what role mentoring plays in maintainership, and how history influences who becomes a maintainer.

From Teen Mom to Mentor!

We spoke about the importance of being a mentor. And having a mentoring throughout your lifetime.

Joe Houston & Scott Acord

Joe shares the story his rise from humble beginnings in DC. He was primarily raised by his sister before getting lured into a lifestyle that led to him being incarcerated at 16 to turning his life around and is now...

Kim De Mutsert on the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, ecosystem science for management and young scientists (with Bob Christian)

Bob Christian (2021-04-19 20:32:19) interviewed Kim De Mutsert. Kim, an assistant professor at Univ. Southern Mississippi, has been an AERS member for a decade. She found and continues to find the meetings to be open, inviting and an excellent place...