Interviewing my Nana and talking about her past life

Luisa Nastasi is 66 years old and she is my Nana. We discussed what her life was like in the Philippines and America.

Marci Turner and David Turner

Spouses Marci Turner (77) and Dave Turner (77) recall the process, effort, and dedication it took to preserve Thunder Canyon in El Paso, Texas. They also talk about Frontera Land Alliance, Public Improvement Districts, and the importance of open space.

Boom Boom Back in Time

“To this day, I still do not know what it means”. Joshua Nafarrete interviewed his Grandpa Romeo Nafarrete on December 10. He describes his childhood on the farm in the Philippines and how it changed. Also, he shares how his...


Mostly my papa’s early childhood and how hard he worked in life to get to where he is now.