Frances Long and Nelson Simon

storyteller worked near the Trade Center, was in shock, walked across Brooklyn Bridge

Salathia and Michelle talk about her personal life goals.

Michelle was a teenage mother. She talks about her goals to getting things in her life currently in track.


Marlon has a passion for community engagement. He believes, very strongly, that theatre can be used as a catalyst for change and community building. He worked as the Director of Shakespeare in Fremont Park, a community outreach program developed by...

Experience of COVID-19 Working in a Nursing Home

Daniel Lewis tells about his experiences of what it was like working in a nursing home during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

"My mother urging me to be self sufficient left me craving attention."

A mother goes through her life reflecting on how her childhood (or the lack thereof) shaped her mindset on life. There were a lot of amazing memories and damaging mistakes made, but how we learn and grow from those should...

Desmond Fernandez's Story

Desmond Fernandez shares his experiences with racial identity, microaggressions, activism, and pride for Westerville Public Library's Westerville Voices project.