"I witnessed it so that stuck with me until this day"

Here we talk about a close friend that was involved with drug abuse. Hello how are you doing today? I’m doing good. My name is Jy’Asia and I'm going to be interviewing you on a friend or family member who...

“It’s a domino affect, you have to help each other out in a family”

MYA: Who misused drugs in your family? MOM: My dad, your grandfather. MYA: How did their addiction begin? MOM: Being a little girl he played baseball and he joined a clubhouse. Every weekend they would have baseball games and we...

Jaycee Clark and Manuela Velasquez

Jaycee Clark (33) talks about her journey through addiction, recovery, transitioning, and HIV/AIDS with her conversation partner Manuela Velasquez (23). They also talk about vulnerability and support.

Closing down smoking industries

Smoking is bad. Many people don’t truly understand the consequence of smoking till the end up sick. I believe the industries should be closed, but they too much of a profit that why even close it down?

Cops:behind the scenes

Jo- When inmates come into jail what does the jail to prepare for withdrawals when the go through them? Sgt. Bartelloni- There is no preparation but you have policy and procedure that if someone is identified that is actually going...