Sauleiha Akangbe & Safia Alakbar

Sauleiha manages the Just Birth program for Swedish in Tacoma. She spoke with her sister, Safia about the importance for this work and how it benefits the Black, Indigenous and Asian Pacific populations of her community. She also talked about...

Elvie tells about her journey to self love by taking the mirror away.

Elvie shares her stories of her life transitions that were marked by changing hair styles, as she moved to a place of self love and finding a way to tame her hair that feels right. She shares her beautiful perspective...

Coleman Wilson Family Interview Vol. I

Community elders, Calvin Coleman and his sister, Betty Ann Wilson discuss growing up in the Historically African American Section of Swarthmore.

In Your Own Words with Pele Voncujovi

Originally a celebration of Black History Month, February 2018, Middlebury College's Davis Family Library has initiated a series of oral interviews, "In Your Own Words." In them, Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer engages members of the community who trace...

Vashitta Johnson's Story

WeRISE launch team member Vashitta Johnson shares her journey through advocacy work, her commitment to racial justice, and her hopes for an equitable future. This interview is part of Westerville Public Library's Westerville Voices project.

Covid-19: Lila Chapman

Jackie Neale talks with her student, Lila Chapman about how she is feeling in the time of the Coronavirus global pandemic. Lila is Jackie's ungrad photography student at the New York Film Academy and upon being given the stay-at-home mandate...

In Your Own Words with Nicole Curvin

As a celebration of Black History Month, February 2018, Middlebury College's Davis Family Library has initiated a series of oral interviews, "In Your Own Words." In them, Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer engages members of the community who trace...

McKenna and Christopher talk about the election of 2008.

I discuss the election of 2008 to my father, a Caucasian male at the age of 52. He shares with me his hopes that he held for Obama and whether or not he found Obama to be a promising candidate....