Dad’s First Time in San Francisco

The time my dad went on a spontaneous trip to to San Francisco with a friend while driving to Oregon.

Bill Haskell and Liv Schaffer: An Intergenerational Conversation

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: Our first StoryCorps conversation is between SFV Board Co-chair Bill Haskell (77) and Board member Liv Schaffer (31). In this inspiring conversation, Bill and Liv talked about many things including people who have been instrumental...

Interview with Gary at Openhouse

Gary’s experience coming into his gay identity in his hippie days in San Francisco.

Mary Lanier and Joanne Low: Education, Leadership, and Family.
September 20, 2022 App Interview

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: Our fifth StoryCorps conversation is between SFV Board Members Joanne Low and Mary Lanier. Both now retired, had careers in leadership positions in education and healthcare. Mary and Joanne share with us stories about getting...

Kate Hoepke and Dr. Wayne Pan: A conversation about community and belonging

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: Our third StoryCorps conversation is between San Francisco Village Executive Director Kate Hoepke and Board member Dr. Wayne Pan. Kate and Wayne shared personal stories that led them to be where they are today. They...

Istanbul and San Francisco are both home to Aydin

Aydin shares what he finds similar and different about his family of origin's home, Istanbul, and his home in California, where he and his wife raised twin girls. He shares favorite memories, dreams, and what he is most proud of...

Ralph talks about his identity and family of origins, not wanting to be in a box, and his desire for community.

Ralph grew up in Philadelphia. He describes his family's values of kindness, growing up with a mother who was bi-polar, and his constant desire for community. He speaks on his identity, age, and speaking one's mind. He moved to San...

Barbara Kivowitz and Michelle Maalouf: An Intergenerational conversation
September 13, 2022 App Interview

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: In our fourth StoryCorps conversation, listen to an intergenerational chat between our Board members Barbara Kivowitz and Michelle Maalouf. They talked about their career paths, the importance of intergenerational relationships in their lives, and how...