Melody Chapin and Pauline Katz

Pauline Katz (25) interviews Melody Chapin (25) about growing up poor, moving to a new community, recognizing racial and experiencing social interactions and demographic change as a result of neighborhood gentrification, and grappling with the fear of a loss of...

John O'Connor and Jeff Guy

One Small Step conversation partners John O'Connor (74) and Jeff Guy (55) discover they share a similar philosophy to life even as they hold different political views in their discussion of religion, reading history books, political leaders, their relationships and...

Erin Bohn and Kendele Daniel

New friends and co-decorators Erin Bohn (46) and Kendele Daniel (30) talk about their careers as high school government teachers and reflect on their experience as volunteer holiday decorators at the White House.

Blake Hensley, mother Jennifer Hensley, and grandmother Susan Reynolds talk about life as a teenager.

Blake talks to his grandmother, asking about historical events that affected her, how living in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex during the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was like, and how writing fulfills the desires of the writer.

Ann Norman and Norman Jones

Ann Norman [no age given] speaks with her friend and mentor Norman "Norm" Jones [no age given] about their shared love of history and religious studies.

Bereket Erecha and Aiche Sy

[Recorded Monday, July 17, 2023] Bereket (33) and Aiche (28) have a One Small Step Conversation in Charlottesville. Bereket has 10+ years experience in peacebuilding, journalism, and public relations and is Program Advisor with Dexis Consulting Group. Aiche has 3+...

Rita Blank and Barbara Goldstein

Friends and colleagues, Rita Blank (71) and Barbara Goldstein (63), reflect on how being children of Holocaust survivors has affected their lives and perspectives and discuss their work at the Holocaust Education Resource Council.

Jacques Istel and Felicia Istel

Jacques Andre Istel [no age given] tells his wife Felicia Istel's [no age given] about his French education and upbringing, his journey to America and all the unexpected turns of events that occurred once he arrived.

Sherrie Floyd and Jonnie Clasen

Sherrie Floyd (67) interviews her friend Jonnie Clasen (75) about her life, her father's military career, and her 2021 induction to the Army Ranger Hall of Fame.

Cristina Amador and Olivia Paschal

[Recorded on October 26, 2021] Cristina Amador ('24) and Olivia Paschal (PhD '26) share their experiences growing up in open-minded Christian households, the decisions that led them both to the University of Virginia, and their disapproval of partisan labels.

Thomas Browder and Ed Browder

Brothers Thomas "Tom" Browder (78) and Ed Browder (75) share a conversation about their time in the military and about how they came to coincidentally meet each other on the other side of the world.

Molly Schroeder-Linzmeier and Mary Jane Herber

Molly Schroeder-Linzmeier (32) interviews her friend and colleague Mary Jane Herber (73) about her experiences as a librarian and the rich history and economy of Brown County, Wisconsin.

Andrew Feil and Gwen Morris

One Small Step conversation partners Andrew Feil (38) and Gwen Morris (71) talk about their career trajectories, the city of Fresno, and what formed their politics.

Heather Hummel and Sanderia Faye

Heather "HK" Hummel (44) shares a conversation with her friend and colleague, Sanderia Faye [no age given], about the research and creative process that goes into their writing.

Yasir Mahboba and Evelyn Garey

[Recorded: Thursday, April 27, 2023] Yasir (22) and Evelyn (21) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Yasir is an undergraduate student at the University of Virginia studying biology on a pre-med track. Evelyn is also an undergraduate...

Mary Emeny and Keralee Clay

Keralee Clay (50) interviews her friend and mentor Mary Emeny (77) about Mary's family and their influence on agribusiness and culture in the Amarillo, Texas community.

Zach Tusinger interviews his Grandmother Janice Tusinger about the Pandemic and the 2020 Election.

2021-01-24: Zach Tusinger (35) talks to his grandmother Janice Tusinger (84) about living through the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic and the recent 2020 election and inauguration. She shares several memories about growing up and various Twentieth Century elections and...

Joy Dickinson and Rick Kilby

Rick Kilby (55) and his coworker and friend Joy Dickinson (74) share thoughts on history and fact-checking, early career highlights, and their early and current connection with museums.

Eugene Ashton-Gonzalez and John Law

Eugene Ashton-Gonzalez (37) talks to his friend and mentor John Law (64) about pilgrimage, community, and life in the Bay Area underground arts scene. They reflect on their time using the signal tower on Yerba Buena Island to host events...

Life stories with my Grandmother Zita Arkushenko

My Grandmother tells me about some of her life stories, talk about her mother which has witnessed horrors of Soviet Government, talk about how she met her husband, and other life stories.