Cora Kessler and Elizabeth de Wolff

One Small Step partners Cora Kessler (29) and Elizabeth "Lisa" de Wolff (57) talk about identity, fear, and the impact of social media on the country's political divide. They reflect on their political upbringings and on how they choose to...

Denise McGough and Michael Lombardi

One Small Step conversation partners Denise McGough (65) and Michael "Mike" Lombardi (70) explore their shared values of respectful communication across political difference, shared experiences as Americans abroad, and reflect on current issues we face such as structural racism, healthcare...

Meggie Kamb and Mary Kamb

Mary Kamb [no age given] reflects with her daughter, Meggie Kamb (20), on their experience as an adopted family.

Jim Buie Shares How His Experiences Living Abroad Have Enriched His Perspectives

After living abroad for more than 10 years and visiting 42 countries, Jim Buie believes the adage that “travel leaves you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller.” For Fearrington Story Corps he tells of how he and his...

Carol Leatherman shares stories of the many places she has called home

As Carol Leatherman shares, "Home is where I feel like my heart is at peace" - and Carol has learned that many places can offer that sense of calm and belonging. Carol and her family have lived in spots as...

Sue Watson and Karen Hoffmann

One Small Step conversation partners Sue Watson (65) and Karen Hoffman (70) discuss the people and events that shaped their beliefs and values.

FYS Interview about the theme of pandemics with Susan Stewart by Cassidy Evans.

I interviewed Susan Stewart for my First Year Seminar class at Marshall University. Our FYS class has been focusing on critical thinking and how thoughtfully developed and artfully asked questions can lead to enriching and enlightening stories, particularly oral histories....

Kiely Sindelar and Sarah Ovink

Mother, Sarah Ovink (42), and daughter, Kiely Sindelar (12), share their thoughts on the current COVID crisis.

Jean Morgan and Mark Heithaus

One Small Step conservation partners Mark Heithaus (39) and Jean Morgan (70) have a conversation about religion and their experiences traveling abroad.

Jacqui Stransky and Kellie Carter

One Small Step conversation partners Kellie Carter (40) and Jacqui Stransky (57) talk about what experiences led to them opening their minds and hearts to others and their hopes for the country's education system in the future.

Her Own Space: Self Care, Sisterhood, and South Korea with Robin

Traveling while black means researching more than ticket prices and exchange rates. There's a savviness to surviving racism in the United States and abroad as colorism, cultural appropriation, and xenophobia abound. Robin's faced it all as a black woman teaching...

Esther and John Heffernan

Esther Terni heffernan meets her future husband, gets married, and lives in France while her husband is in the army.

All about living in India from my dads point of view

I talked to my dad about his time in India and how he liked it there

Susanna Kharatyan and John Smith

[Recorded: Friday November 12th 2021] Susanna Kharatyan and John Smith reflect on their lives, they people who have influenced them the most and the hopes they have for the future.

Leena Fraihat and Diana Razumova

[Recorded: Tuesday, March 14th, 2023] Leena (20) and Diana (16) participated in the Karsh Institute of Democracy's first international One Small Step conversation. Leena is a second-year undergraduate student at UVA, and Diana is a high school student from currently...

Alexandria Robins and Gary Kalman

Alexandria Robins (25) talks to her colleague and friend, Gary Kalman (55), about their work in corporate transparency and accountability, and how they choose paths in this career field.