Patricia Caulton and Yvonne Walton

Friends Patricia Caulton (70) and Yvonne Walton (71) share life lessons and talk about their friendship, their community, and their connection to God.

Fred a farmboy

Fred Husmann (80) speaks with granddaughter Laurel (17) about life as a poor farm boy in the 1940s and 50s

Interview with my Mom

The interview was so hilarious and full of enjoyment! My Mom shared some some I never knew. The best part of the interview was when she told me that she was a cry baby when she went to school and...

Imani Johnson and Kevin Johnson

Imani Johnson (21) talks to her father, Kevin Johnson (51) about his experiences growing up in Chicago and how these experiences shaped him into the man he is today. They talked about his childhood, family, and his life as a...