"But our guns were bigger….."

Ms. Felicia Foy, Army veteran shares her experiences and life of service in the United States military.

Army Student Lifestyle.

Interviewer Kaylee Neal (age 18 female) average college student interviews former high school friend Alex Cabrera (age 19 male) who is enlisted in the United States Army. Overviews the lifestyle of an Army boy looking for a way to be...

[email protected]

My grandpa, David Grebe, is 84 and shared his experience during the 60s and 70s. He talks about his opinions on the Vietnam war, his experiences with the JFK assassination, and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

New-Media Project; Interview with Kyle K.

Interview with an army veteran and his thoughts on the 2nd Amendment

“Gratitude never gets us in trouble.”

I'm not proud of anything I've done," Paulist Father Tom Hall told the crowd gathered at his retirement party after 30 years as a Navy chaplain. He says that the room was silent. "I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude. Pride--no. There's...

Seymour “Sy” Reitman tells the story of his World War II experience in the battle of “The Bridge at Remagen", Germany.

In March of 1945 Remagen was the last bridge standing across the Rhine, all the others having been destroyed by German forces. A pivotal World War II event, the battle to protect the bridge from destruction by German forces allowed...

Virendra Pal Singh Gill: Retired Indian Army General

Virendra Gill (74) has a deep conversation with his granddaughter, Keya Dutt (12) about life in the Indian army and in India.