Brandon Lowe and Daria O’Brien

Brandon Lowe (29) speaks with his One Small Step partner, Daria O'Brien (62) about their experiences specifically with inner city kids, homophobia, the Christian church and its ties to their political ideology.

Marilyn Dubasak and Joe Gramc

One Small Step conversation partners Marilyn Dubasek (69) and Joe Gramc (37) talk about their political beliefs, families and division in the country.

Sara Smith and Adam Banter

Sara Smith (64) and her One Small Step Partner Adam Banter (40) talk about topics such as climate change, younger generations, and how to approach differing political views.

Don Winkle and Diane Chira
September 8, 2023 OSS Hub

One Small Step Conversation partners Don Winkle (60) and Diane Chira (63) discuss bullying, abortion, student loans and "pulling yourself up by your boot straps"

Amanda Mahan and Cynthia Matthews-Johnson

One Small Step conversation partners Amanda Mahan (42) and Cynthia Johnson (61) talk about how they pick political candidates, religion and race.

Brooke Salerno and Nicole Bolton

Brooke Salerno: 2021-10-08 00:33:18 Brooke and Nicole discuss reproductive rights, healthcare, gun violence, and the major life events that informed their beliefs.

Jane Moore and Kristine Anderson

One Small Step conversation partners Kristine Anderson (73) and Jane Moore (55) discuss their jobs as teacher and NICU nurse respectively, how they have loved ones who differ with them greatly on politics, and what it means to live in...

Terri Oliger and Pearl Casias

One Small Step partners Pearl Casias (79) and Terri Oliger (51) share a conversation about their lives growing up, the importance of self-reliance, and playing the role of matriarch in their extended families.

Douglas DeBolt and Darby Cogburn

One Small Step conversation partner’s Darby Cogburn (43) and Douglas "Doug" DeBolt (57) take an hour to discuss their life as educators, the evolution of American culture, and the consequences of a divided country.

Jill White and Holly [No Name Given]

One Small Step conversation partners Jill White (52) and Holly [No Name Give] (55) exchange their lived experiences and find many parallels. They relate as mothers over having children struggling on social media, considering online learning, and being independent thinkers.

Suzane Aubrey and Kymberly Dakin

One Small Step conversation partners Suzanne "Sue" Aubrey (66) and Kymberly "Kym" Dakin (66) talk about their families, writing books, health and healthcare, and how their own Democrat side of the aisle frustrates them.

Ronald Frantz and TC Burgin

One Small Step partners Ronald "Ron" Frantz (64) and TC Burgin (71) talk about their appreciation of Oklahoma and their hopes for its future. They also share how they are different from what people might expect from them.

Running for office as a democratic woman in North Texas

Two women who ran as Democratic candidates for State House and for Congress in Texas discuss life on the campaign trail in the 2018 midterm election.

Annett Gilchrist and Carolyn Hurley

One Small Step participants Annett Gilchrist (51) and Carolyn Hurley (38) share their views on faith, politics, and social services.

Ronald Gunzburger and Tricia Rutledge

One Small Step partners Ronald "Ron" Gunzburger (60) and Tricia Rutledge (75) have a conversation about their political views transforming over time, politicians being a bundle of insecurities, and what they are most proud of in the past year. Note...

Kate Hall and Sarah Graves

One Small Step conversation partners Sarah Graves (43) and Kate Hall (48) talk about value of hard work, entrepreneurship, parenthood, and the current political climate around trans rights.

Jeff Fendorf and Dani Bara

Strangers Jeff Fendorf (57) and Dani Bara (52) discuss how politics have affected their personal relationships and the people and events that have influenced their political views.

"I voted for Trump, and I'm not ashamed of that."

Jason Ellsworth (Republican State Senator representing Montana's Bitterroot Valley) and Susie Orr (executive board member for the Missoula County Democrats) discuss how they came to hold their current political views and share their hopes and fears for the future.

Dolores Sheff and Nancy Jones

One Small Step conversation partners Dolores Sheff (63) and Nancy Jones (70) discuss voting for different parties, but sharing many common interests and opinions around being compassionate towards others, education, money in politics, abortion, gun control, anti-depressants and joy.

Thom Olmstead and Robert Pavlik

One Small Step conversation partners Thom Olmstead (66) and Robert Pavlik (60) talk about their families, military background, and faith.