Boy meets Miltary Base

Once upon a time a young boy went through the stages of life: childhood, college, and being all grown up; however this same boy got to travel the world, become the resident advisor of his college dorm and work at...

Marriage is a Right

Have you ever wanted to hear what a gay man wants to change in gay rights? I am Julia Grane and I am 15 years old and I interviewed my Uncle Brett over the phone about him being gay and...

Small but Feisty

If you tell Jerry Anderson a secret, he will never reveal it, but he’s happy to tell you even the most embarrassing things about himself. Brianna and Anderson 14, interviews her grandpa Jerry Anderson. The interview took place on November...

From Colorado to LA

My name is Grace Schiff, I am 14 years old, and I interviewed my aunt, Melissa Malone, in Encino, California. She grew up in Colorado, but moved to Los Angeles because of her love for acting. In this interview she...

From Hurt To Healed

“After every air raid we would have to count heads to make sure everyone was okay”. On January 1, 2019, 14 year-old Taylor Huie interviewed her grandmother, Sylvia Huie, about her experience escaping the Japanese-Chinese War in the 1930s when...

His death did not define her

Someone’s death should not be what defines who you or your future. In this interview, 14-year-old Avery Gillette interviews her Mom, Michelle Gillette, on November 27 in Los Angeles, California. We learn how she overcame the hardships of her childhood...

The Boat To a New Cluture

On November 24th in Los Angeles California, 14-year-old Jason Marounian interviewed his dad, Arthur Marounian. Arthur Marounian was an immigrant from Lebanon. He came to America because of the civil war in 1983. When Arthur was a kid he played...

My Grandpa’s Experience in the CIA

The CIA is one of the world's most secretive agencies, and my grandpa was involved.  This interview for the Great Holiday listen on storycorps was about my grandpa, Lou Eisenbarth experience and memories from his time in the CIA. My name...

Do Not Avoid the Difficult Things

How does the child of immigrant parents become a greatly respected and successful businessman, with nothing but diligence and hard work? On November 28, 2017, Jade Mars interviews her father Michael Karlin in Beverly Hills California. He will talk about...

Morals behind the Memories

“The Germans shot my father, shot my sister, she was twelve years old.” On November 28, 2019 in Studio City, California, Andrew Yotnegparian sat down with his grandfather, Maurice Yotnegparian, to learn about the struggles he faced in his life...