A conversation with a friend

I interview my good friend about his life, we discuss immigration from Monterrey, NL to Laredo,TX and how that impacted his life. Mexican culture regarding family and friendship. Growing up between Mexico and Texas, living on the border.

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Annette

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Annette tells me about her experiences growing up in the Rio Grande Valley and working and traveling with her family as a migrant worker.

The Life of a Single Working Parent

My mother, Alma Palafox, talks about her life experience as a working single mother and a child of immigrant parents. The interview is significant to me because of the important parenting advice she shared with me during the time of...

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – April of Mission, Texas

"I believe everyone should have their choice." - April Vallejo shares her experience as a young mother who believes every woman should have the right to choose. April attended the local Women's March in Brownsville, Texas with her daughter on...

Arian Velazquez-Ornelas and Elizama Velazquez

Arian Velazquez-Ornelas (42) platica con su mamá, Elizama Velazquez (56), de sus experiencias creciendo en México y los Estados Unidos. Hablan de la familia, el amor, y la comunidad que comparten en ambos lados de la frontera. [Arian Velazquez-Ornelas (42)...

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Cristina, "We want to create an infrastructure for people to grow into people we want to see.

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Cristina Garza, Program Director of the Mission EDC and creator of the Expert In Residence program says part of the Mission CEED co-working space's mission is "...to create an infrastructure for people...

Lucy’s Interview

interviewing my Tia Lucy, my dad’s oldest sister, while my dad is in the hospital recovering from his liver biopsy for his cancer diagnosis.

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Marisol "When the Dreamer stuff passed it was a like an answered prayer…"

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Marisol Roten. Marisol, a Mother of 3, and I have a conversation about her experiences growing up in the Rio Grande Valley. The experience of growing up without her biological father, having...

Elena Palacios and Victoria Nevarez

Friends and colleagues Elena Palacios (43) and Victoria Nevarez (24) discuss life on the border, their work with Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, and their hopes for the future.

En el rancho

lucila tejeda talks about her childhood, her dream job, and more! Only in this interview translated by my mother! you cannot miss it.

"We Come from a Line of Strong Women"

In this recording Abigail Jacobo interviews her mother, Ana Jacobo about her life in Mexico, what it was like to immigrate to the United States, and about her family. Almost 29 years ago Ana came to this country and was...

Sheyla Solís interviews Luis Solis

I (Sheyla Solis) was assigned a research paper for my history class on my topic that I think has changed overtime or that relates to me. I decided to interview Luis Solis ,my dad, the man that had an American...

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Denny, "I wanted to go out and learn the world on my own, through my own eyes…"

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Denny Bentley and I talk about being raised in the Rio Grande Valley by missionaries. In high school, Denny turned down the choice to be in AP classes at his high school...