The Elementary Maverick

Before big campuses like Campbell Hall, schools would be smaller and different then they are today. Alex Sanger, is a father of two who lived in Texas until he moved to LA, he went to elementary there and had lots...

Grandpa’s, Grenades, and God

Christmas is a day not only for unwrapping presents and eating candy canes. It’s also a time of family, and love. So on December 25, 2019, 14-year-old Beija Sayeed sat down with her great grandfather Alfonzo Jackson to talk about...

A Disrupted Childhood

Imagine being 11 years old, fleeing from your country to escape a civil war. Alfonso Campos didn’t have to imagine this, he experienced it. Olivia Campos, his 14 year old daughter, has interviewed him about the early years of his...

Living Before Modern Technology

People grow up in the modern world with all sorts of new and fancy technology, but how was it like for someone like my father Kevin Morgan who was in his teenager in the 70s and grew up before this...

Where Have all my Good Men Gone?

“You never know when it’s going to be the last time you see somebody, life is so uncertain” In this interview, we hear Mighty Behrendt interviewing her grandmother, Sharon Hemmer Ruotola in Las Vegas, Nevada on November 28th,2019. Sharon was...

Vietnam by association

Back in New Jersey. In the sixties, life was easy, not much to worry about until the Vietnam war came along. In November, 2018, Jude Bornstein is interviewing his dad Steve Bornstein. Jude asks His father Steve Bornstein about what...

Memories of Motor City

Playing an instrument, painting, and traveling the world. These are what Stephen Hoffman would like to do when he retires. In November 2018, 15 year-old JJ Hoffman interviewed his grandfather, Stephen Hoffman, about his past and his future. The story...

Working into Harvard

Francette Kelley never expected to get into Harvard, but it was a welcome surprise. In this interview, James Kelley interviews Francette in Los Angeles California, about her life growing up in Boston in the 80’s. He asks her about her...

A Block Away from Disaster

“The plane was so close the building I was in was shaking.” It was January 8, 2020, and Will Keller had just begun his interview with his mom, Mccurrah Keller. Will wanted to learn more about her experiences when she...

changing due to religious persecution

In 2001, my dad, Rodney Barnes traveled to China to work on the movie Rush Hour 2. During his work trip, he did not expect to witness a religious persecution. He witnessed the Falun Gong setting themselves on fire for...