Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

Shawna Brown and Johana Gourdin

Friends Shawna Brown (34) and Johana Gourdin (26) share a conversation about Black joy and pleasure, queer space, transphobia, restorative justice, community resilience, and accountability. They also talk about the importance of music and movement, how their lives are different...

Narrative 29 – Male, 24 year old, living with HIV

As part of The VOICES Project at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Narrative 29 is a male, 24 year old, living with HIV who was horizontally infected speaking on adjustment to living with HIV, initial diagnosis of HIV, and support.

Germans Are So Honest

After immigrating to Los Angeles from Hamburg, Germany twenty years ago, Verena sits down to talk about German v. American differences.

John Babcock Part 2: “You’re not a man if you’re not scared; you’re not a man if you don’t cry”

Discussion of John's relationship with his siblings and parents. We talked about the death of his father and later on, his mother. Childhood stories and memories and how his sister affected him. His life from the streets to Brookdale. He...

Megan [no last name given] and Grace [no last name given]

Megan [no last name given] (38) shares a conversation with her mother, Grace [no last name given] (69), about Grace’s childhood, the people who impacted her life the most, her children and grandchildren, and the wisdom she would like to...

Religion, Sexuality, and my Mom.

This is a conversation about my mom(April Hammonds), her religious views, and having a gay son. Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and recorded by me, Anthony Lanci, the gay son.