Preaching is a two-way street – Paulist Fr. Charles Kullmann

Paulist Fr. Charles Kullmann made his first promises to the Paulist community on August 17, 1974, and was ordained a priest on May 13, 1978. Fr. Chuck is pastor of St. Austin Church in Austin, TX. He previously served as...

Robust Faith

On July 1st, 2022, Paulist Fr. Rich Andre became the director of the Paulist Center in Boston, MA. Before moving to Boston, Fr. Rich served as an associate pastor at the St. Austin Catholic Parish, Austin, TX, where this interview...

"Open to the surprising encounter" -Paolo Puccini, CSP

Paolo Puccini describes himself as a pilgrim and a missionary. His Catholic journey and evangelization led him to the Paulist Fathers. After several years of study and formation with the community, in September 2019, Paolo made his final promises to...

Jennifer DePaola and Peter DePaola (IV)

Jennifer DePaola (49) and her son Peter DePaola IV (21) tell the story of Jennifer's journey on the Camino de Santiago with her father, Peter's grandfather. The story takes a turn when Jennifer's father passes away during their trip and...

“Gratitude never gets us in trouble.”

I'm not proud of anything I've done," Paulist Father Tom Hall told the crowd gathered at his retirement party after 30 years as a Navy chaplain. He says that the room was silent. "I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude. Pride--no. There's...

Stoney Brook and Christy Hightower

Stoney Brook talks about how being a pilgrim on the Camino de Santiago in 2014 touched and changed him in unexpected ways. Among other things the pilgrimage was the gateway to his setting up the first Veteran's Treatment Court in...

Missionary of Mercy – Paulist Fr. Bruce Nieli

This interview provides glimpses into the wonderful life and rich ministry of #Paulist Fr. Bruce Nieli, who celebrated his 50th #ordination anniversary this past May. Ordained a #priest on May 5, 1973, Fr. Bruce is part of our #preaching apostolate,...

Reilly Roberts and Greg Roberts

Reilly Roberts (23) and her father Greg Roberts [no age given] reminisce about their journey walking the Camino de Santiago and by doing so, reflect on the life lessons Greg has instilled in Reilly as she has grown up, such...

Tera Morris and Kayla Feliciano

[Recorded Tuesday, April 4th, 2023] Tera (32) and Kayla (19) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Tera has a background in campaigning and advocacy and teaches high school History and ESL in Charlottesville. Kayla is a second...