La historia de R.G

En esta entrevista, mi tío y yo hablamos sobre su experiencia como inmigrante. También como llego a los Estados Unidos y como fue su experiencia en los Estados Unidos.

Cruzando la frontera en 1987, la historia de Ofelia.

Esta es la historia de una mujer fuerte que tiene muchas ganas para tiene una mejor vida. Ofelia es una mujer libre de ser pobre y ahora vive sin preocupaciones.

My Grandfather the Civil Rights Activist

we talked about my grandfather Garry A Mendez Jr. who was an activist for black people. We talked about his love for the people and how he always cared about people who were underserved. We also talked a little bit...

An Interview With My Inspiring Noni

Molly Tittemore (15) talks with her Noni (Sicilian slang term for "grandmother"), who is 79 years old. They discussed her childhood, and how the events of her childhood transformed her into the dynamic woman she is today. Her Noni believes...

Laura y su camino a EU desde Veracruz, Mexico.

En esta entrevista, mi tia y yo hablamos sobre su experiencia en como inmigro a los EU y las dificultades que tuvo que superar en Nueva York.

Her story “Herstory”- Sharon Hartley talks about her experiences in life.

In this interview, on March 10th, 2020, Sharon Hartley talks about her childhood and tells some stories that she remembers. She also touches upon many important aspects of our countries history. My grandmother (Nana) discusses topics such as college education,...

Monica Whatley and Bandele [no name given]

Monica Whatley (32) interviews her friend, Bandele [no name given] (73), about his incarceration in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Bandele reflects on what he learned during the 33 years during which he was detained, his relationship...

Steve Desroches and Michelle Axelson

Steve Desroches (48) talks to Michelle Axelson (45) about her move to Provincetown, Massachusetts where she is known for her activism and as the owner of the historic and iconic feminist bookstore Womencrafts.

Live Who You Are: It’s a Process

Sandy discuses her experience coming out later in life after being in a straight marriage and how her world did and did not change during that transition, as well as the work she has done and currently does advocating on...