Bereket Erecha and Aiche Sy

[Recorded Monday, July 17, 2023] Bereket (33) and Aiche (28) have a One Small Step Conversation in Charlottesville. Bereket has 10+ years experience in peacebuilding, journalism, and public relations and is Program Advisor with Dexis Consulting Group. Aiche has 3+...

Contance G. Wright and Jordan Wright

Constance Wright talks with her grandson Jordan Wright about growing up in Harlem with her brother Raymond and the advenutes they had in school, in the neighborhood, and on the subway. She also talks about raising her own sons, having...

Immigration Stories Reel–a brief recap of the overall, unedited audio interviews. The full impact is embodied within the full interviews.

I had the privilege to interview immigrants, descendants of immigrants, and asylum seekers across the world. Their stories were accompanied by anonymous portraits made from cyanotype imprints of their bodies and forms to which provided privacy and freedom to speak...

Immigration Stories Italy: Jorida

Jorida Dervishi is an idealist through and through. Jorida came from Albania to Milan 4 years ago and opened her own school for women immigrants to help them learn to speak Italian. While working with her school devoted to women...

Immigration Stories Italy: Lamin Tamba

Lamin Tamba, who goes by Lamin, and in our interview he shares horrific details of his journey from Senegal to Libya and then ultimately pushed onto a boat into the Mediterranean Sea in complete darkness, hoping he makes it safely...