Sydney Bild and Rachael Bild

Rachael Bild (36) interviews her grandfather Sydney Bild (91) about fighting to integrate the health care system in Chicago. Sydney is a retired physician who in the mid 1900's helped to integrate hospitals in Chicago for both patients and physicians.

18-Year Old Geovanni Celaya and His Life.

In this interview, conducted in November 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. I, Karen Salgado(17) interview my old friend and peer, Geovanni Celaya(18) about his plans for his future tomorrow. He talks about what mark he would like to leave when he...

12 year old sister, Valery, Talks about her life.

Little sister speaks of her past experiences as a small child. She speaks of the environment she grew up in and where she was born, giving details on how her community made her feel and such. She also spoke about...

Ms. Terry’s experience with segregation

I met with Mr. Terry at the Oxford Housing Authority on Tuesday November 27 to discuss her life experience through segregation. Ms. Terry was born in 1950 in Lafayette county, in the Yocona area. She spoke of her experience share...

Ari Ohriner- Person of Inspiration

This is an interview of Terry Winograd about his life and his perspectives on various topics that seemed interesting to me. He talks of his career, family and religion.

“ I Cant Think Straight”

This is my first time doing something along the lines of this.. I didn’t do it the exact way I guess it was meant too meaning recording another person I just recorded myself! I’m hoping to not only reach someone...

Norman Hatter and Steve McCutchan

Friends Norman Hatter (79) and Steven McCutchan (80) discuss meeting civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr., and Stokely Carmichael. They talk about guiding their churches through racism and racial equity as they both have served different types of Christian...

David Larbi and Judy "Chess" Cheserek

[Recorded Monday, July 17, 2023] David (26) and Chess (34) have a One Small Step Conversation in Charlottesville. David is from Ghana and is a human rights activist advocating for youth empowerment and LGBTQIA+ rights across the African continent. Chess...

Evolution of Becoming a Woman

I interviewed my 83 year old grandmother to talk about how she came to be who she is through her life experiences. And we discuss the importance of activism today.

“Discipline, discipline, discipline”

In this Interview, Jermaine Thomas Bethea (16) interviews Rose Parrish(63), his guardian who may as well be his mother, on November 25th, 2018. Rose is Jermaine's cousin who was proud to raise him since the age of two but may...

Mary Charlton, Lea Charlton, and Leslie Stigaard

Sisters, Lea Charlton (56) and Leslie Stigaard [no age given], talk with their mother, Mary Charlton (77), about her life experiences during the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Lucy Elam and Lindsey Scott for Stonewall OutLoud

Lucy tells Lindsey about growing up in Bloomington, Indiana, coming to terms with her sexuality, finding a lesbian community in college, facing discrimination at work, and campaigning for LGBT rights in the workplace. She also asks Lindsey about the concept...

Coleman Wilson Family Interview Vol. I

Community elders, Calvin Coleman and his sister, Betty Ann Wilson discuss growing up in the Historically African American Section of Swarthmore.


“I would like to see people be inspired to live cooperatively, and balanced, sharing life, space, and resources..." Susan Murphy was a founding member of Saugerties’ Cantine’s Island Co-Housing Community. With a storyteller’s talent and passion for the concept of...

Racial Equality

A biracial couples view on racial equality, talking about their past and present. And discussing the future of civil rights.

We Need More Teachers Like Her!

My name is Ozan Kara and I am a 17 years old cultural exchange student from Turkey. As an high school student in Bloomington, Indiana, I have had the chance to know a wonderful person, Vanessa Domizlaff, my German teacher...

An Aspiring Activist’s Recollections

Growing up in the countryside of Korea, Ho Shim Kim aspired to become a teacher and educate children and adults in impoverished communities how to read and write Korean. In addition, she recounts her dreams of becoming activist at the...