Nothing is being done because of the stigma.

Chad: Bill who was misusing drugs in your family? Bill: In my family, my youngest son Steven. Chad: how did you find out about his addiction? Bill: uhm… there were some red flags that went up my wife was doing...

Getting a Perspective of Recovering Addict of Opiates

I interviewed a man by the name of Nick Geissler. He explains the hardships of being addicted to Opiates and how he got through them. // Transcript of Interview: Holly Halligan: What was the pivotal moment that made you want...

Step Sister who lost her way

My name is Nick, I am here today with Sue to talk about a sensitive subject, so I want to thank you for joining me. Who was it that you knew that was a substance abuser or effected by substance...

Liz and Cindy talk about Cindy’s Father’s addiction. “I think that people can change. And people can learn from their mistakes.”
October 27, 2017 App Interview

Liz, 22, interviews her mother Cindy, 45, about her father’s drug and alcohol addiction as she recalls it from her childhood. Liz- Who was the person in your family who was abusing drugs? Cindy- It was my father Liz- Did...

“from there it became a lifelong addiction”

Who was the person misusing drugs in your family? Well, it wasn’t actually a family member. It was a neighbor, who I used to babysit when he was little. And he grew up and didn’t really know what he wanted...

High School Athlete Takes Wrong Turn

Hi, my name is Nick, I want to thank you for taking the time to interview with me about a sensitive topic of substance abuse. Who was it that you knew who was affected by substance abuse? Are they a...

"I lost the male figure in my life because of it and I feel like I lost a lot of protection"

Here we speak with a woman who has lost someone to drug abuse. Hi how are you today? I’m fine, how are you? I’m good. My name is Jy’Asia and I am aware that you have lost someone an addiction...

“I used drugs as an unhealthy coping mechanism for my depression and anxiety.”

Audrey: My name is Audrey Reppert and today I will be interviewing someone who prefers to be kept anonymous. Can you remember how/why you started misusing drugs and/or alcohol? Anonymous: Um, I wasn’t very big into alcohol but I did...

Russell Paretzky interviewing Bob Zlotnick on recovery

This is Russell Paretzky interviewing Bob Zlotnick and you are in recovery Iam What is your pivotal moment that made you want to change your life? My pivotal moment was it was Saint Patrick's Day of 1986 and my grandmother...

“He Knew He Was Going to Die, He Told Me.”

Me: My name is Dominique Francis: My name is Francis Me: Who is the person misusing drugs in your family? Francis: My grandfather actually abused of alcohol when he was very young. He didn’t think it would take effect until...