Ivonne Diaz and Sofía Avant-Mier

Colleagues Ivonne Diaz (35) and Sofía Aviant-Mier (22) discuss their experiences as Mexican-Americans in the United States, the political advocacy work they do with the nonprofit Texas Rising, and how they attempt to create work-life boundaries and advocate for themselves.

Papa’s Best Thanksgiving

Today, me and my grandfather discussed questions about Thanksgiving when he was a child. He discussed the most memorable Thanksgiving he had, one of his family’s Thanksgiving traditions, and his favorite Thanksgiving dish.

Tess DeCosta and Leigh Anne Carr

Leigh Anne Carr (29) asks Tess DeCosta (61) about what it was like to grow up in Boston during the desegregation efforts of the 1970's. DeCosta remembers the fear she had when her mom worked as a crossing guard for...

Growing up the daughter of an immigrant

I talked with my mom about her different experiences growing up first generation in America as the daughter of two Irish immigrants.

Sarah Gibson and Patricia Perdomo

Patricia "Patty" Perdomo (62) speaks with her daughter Sarah Gibson (29) about growing up, attending high school in Boston and meeting her future husband eight days after arriving in the USA.

Amara Parker and her dad Bernard talk about living in Europe.

In this interview, conducted in November 2017 in San Diego, California, Amara Parker (14) and Bernard Parker (44) about his childhood in Texas and his career. Mr. Parker shares his difficulties of living abroad compared to the United States. He...

Two Communities of Love with Madeline Diaz and Juan Josue Martinez

Madeline and her friend Juan Josue talk about the LGBTQ+ Community and the Christian Church, and how these two often find themselves at odds. As a devout Christian who is Bisexual, Juan speaks to how difficult it can be to...