The Korean War Through the Eyes of a Soldier

Formal First class Sergeant of the 5th Regimental Combat Team of the U.S Infantry Bill Parker (85) describes his 13 month deployment in Korea during the Korean War (1950- 1953). When Sergeant Parker was interview by his grandson, Andrew Goetz...

9,641 km, 2 continents, 1 lifetime, 0 defeats.

Growing up before WWII and falling in love were the easiest parts of Vera's life, but she encountered more hurdles along her way. On November 21, 2017, in Los Angeles, CA, Vera Volfson shares her story with her great-granddaughter Dara...

Working in Another Language

Despite being in Japan for the earthquake in 2011, Gerald Hirshberg doesn't tell that story, because stories of interacting with the place and the people are far more earthshattering. In November of 2017, Kate Hirshberg interviewed her grandfather, Gerald 'Jerry'...

Through War and Peace- Primary Source Of Hungary’s most turbulent years

“It is a lovely thing to live with courage and to die leaving behind an everlasting renown.”- Alexander the Great. This is precisely what every Hungarian man, woman, and child thought at 4:00 on October 23, 1956 when the Soviets...

Depression Leads to War

Addison K. Groff, a retired minister who was born in 1919 in Rochester, NY, but spent most of his adolescence in Boonsboro, Maryland, is interviewed by his grandson, Edwin Groff on November 25, 2017. He lived through some of the...