Della Kostelnik Juarez and Julia Juarez-Kostelnik

Della Kostelnik Juarez (61) tells her daughter Julia Juarez-Kostelnik (22) about her experiences participating in a voluntary bussing/racial transfer program as an elementary school student in Seattle. Della describes how being the only white kid in a predominantly Black school...

Veronica Fischmann and Jenni Lippold

One Small Step conversation partners Veronica (36) and Jenni (42) have a conversation about their backgrounds growing up and living in different places, their experiences living abroad in Italy, and their views on having diverse communities and perspectives in their...

Claire McCoy and George Black

Claire McCoy (58) sits down with her father, George Black (86), to ask him about his experiences as an actor and his career as a professor in the theater departments of various universities.

Ivonne Diaz and Sofía Avant-Mier

Colleagues Ivonne Diaz (35) and Sofía Aviant-Mier (22) discuss their experiences as Mexican-Americans in the United States, the political advocacy work they do with the nonprofit Texas Rising, and how they attempt to create work-life boundaries and advocate for themselves.

Jane Moore and Kristine Anderson

One Small Step conversation partners Kristine Anderson (73) and Jane Moore (55) discuss their jobs as teacher and NICU nurse respectively, how they have loved ones who differ with them greatly on politics, and what it means to live in...

Carley Larson and Tatiana Larsen

One Small Step conversation parnters Carley Larson (28) and Tatiana Larsen (37) have a conversation about learning from the wisdom of strangers, their COVID pandemic experiences, and how their beliefs evolved around Christianity.

Olivia Hernandez and Esmeralda Alday

Friends and colleagues Olivia Hernandez (65) and Esmeralda Alday (40) share a conversation about the importance of bilingual education in schools, building connections through plática, and the power of language to strengthen one's relationship with their identity, culture, and community.