Heather Labbe and Dalit Guscio

Friends Heather Labbe (47) and Dalit Guscio (48) share memories and a conversation about the timeline of their friendship.

Omar Elmogazy and Mervate Ibrahim

Omar Elmogazy (18) talks with his grandmother, Mervate Ibrahim (71) about her life experiences. She discussed her life in Egypt, her life in the 70s and 80s in America, personal anecdotes, and gave advice on how to look at life.

Story of His Life

I am Lauren Wilson, 18 years old, interviewing my grandfather, Steve Ambrosini about his life. We discuss cherished memories, present dilemmas, and hopes for the future.

A chat with Mum

Sitting down with my mom to get to know her a little deeper, and give everyone a chance to do the same. From protesting the war in Vietnam to raising 5 children.

My Dad's Journey to America and How Technology Affects Today's Generation

I spoke with my dad about how he came to America from Egypt when he was 16 years old. We also talked about the difference between the times we're growing up in as well as how now technology impacts the...

Gerard Margiotta and Dylan Halbig

Gerard Margiotta (74) tells his great nephew Dylan Halbig (19) about how his family came to America, and about his life growing up. This was recorded remotely through Zoom on November 29th, 2020 at 12:00 PM EST. Warning: There is...