Hugo van Waardenburg and Frank van Waardenburg

Frank age 98 on Providence Hospice, of Dutch Indonesian heritage born in east Indies shares reflections with his son Frank who lives with his father about serving in the Dutch Indonesian army and being a prisoner of war for three...

Immigration From Italy to America, My grandparents Story

My aunt was speaking on behalf of my grandmother and grandfather (Nonno and Nonna). They had left Italy during the year of 1968, and traveled to Brooklyn NY, in order to provide for their family by working.

Shannon Dinkler and Eliza Sanusi

[Recorded: Wednesday, March 20th, 2024] UVA students Shannon Dinkler (21) from Virginia Beach, VA and Eliza Sanusi (22) from Charlottesville, VA recorded a One Small Step conversation as part of their course, Lead from Anywhere. Shannon and Eliza discussed their...

Straight Outta Vietnam: (My Aunt Kim’s Journey: Starting From Vietnam to Immigrating to The United States)

An interview with my aunt Kim Bach, on her life from communist Vietnam to the United States and also discusses family and work ethic.

Interview with Birdseed Collective.

Journey2Unity invited Anthony Garcia and Victor Escobedo from Birdseed Collective to be interviewed for their story. They talk about their heritage and ancestry, along with where they, and their families are from. They also discussed how Birdseed Collective started and...

Ife Means Love

My mom, Mary, shares her story of coming to America and raising 5 children while still preserving her culture. She highlights her life becoming an immigrant to America for the purpose of better opportunity for her family. The interview includes...