Melody Chapin and Pauline Katz

Pauline Katz (25) interviews Melody Chapin (25) about growing up poor, moving to a new community, recognizing racial and experiencing social interactions and demographic change as a result of neighborhood gentrification, and grappling with the fear of a loss of...

John O'Connor and Jeff Guy

One Small Step conversation partners John O'Connor (74) and Jeff Guy (55) discover they share a similar philosophy to life even as they hold different political views in their discussion of religion, reading history books, political leaders, their relationships and...

David Heffelfinger and Steven Baum

David Heffelfinger (67) and One Small Step conversation partner Steven Baum (74) discuss impactful moments in their lives and historical moments in US politics.

Nancy Mosley and Emily Bosch

One Small Step participants Nancy Mosley [no age given] and Emily Bosch [no age given] discuss their upbringing, how they approach the present day political landscape, and how they both like living in Birmingham.

Yasir Mahboba and Evelyn Garey

[Recorded: Thursday, April 27, 2023] Yasir (22) and Evelyn (21) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Yasir is an undergraduate student at the University of Virginia studying biology on a pre-med track. Evelyn is also an undergraduate...

“Your mom was a month early… and she was little and tiny and really cute!”

Jody (Edna Jo) LaFevers was raised in an old 2 story house with a big front porch in a small town on the Missouri border called Viola. Her mother would make all of her clothes, including her prom dress, so...

Erin Bohn and Kendele Daniel

New friends and co-decorators Erin Bohn (46) and Kendele Daniel (30) talk about their careers as high school government teachers and reflect on their experience as volunteer holiday decorators at the White House.

Interview with Jan Malone about certain topics of the 2000's

In this interview, Jan Malone was asked about certain topics such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the Great Recession, and more. These topics were discussed as so was her life throughout the 2000's.

Blake Hensley, mother Jennifer Hensley, and grandmother Susan Reynolds talk about life as a teenager.

Blake talks to his grandmother, asking about historical events that affected her, how living in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex during the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was like, and how writing fulfills the desires of the writer.