Sijaama Branch & Scott Acord

Sijaama shares her story of having sickle cell disease. How she felt embarrassed as a kid and hid it from everyone but her family. Over the years she has learned to manage the symptoms, but still has moments where she...

Covid-19: Maria Trajtenberg

Jackie Neale interviews her undergraduate photography student, Maria Trajtenberg while we are conducting interviews and taking photographs for our storytelling project, The Corona Collective. Maria is living in TriBeCa New York City through the pandemic, and talks about how she...

A Good Head on Your Shoulders! Alisia and Niko

My name is Alisia Lilliebridge, and I chose my youngest brother Nikolas Perales for this interview because we are a decade apart in age! I thought it could be a thought-provoking conversation. One of the topics we always discuss is...

People and Places: The Influence They Have On Us

Janet shares the story of her brother, a close family member, who was gone too soon. She talks about how he inspired her and how she honors his life today by keeping his story alive.

Miriam "Merry" Bauch & Katy Abelson

When the war broke out, Merry's father and brother were sent to concentrations camps where they were killed. She was sent to a separate camp from her mother, but managed to find one another later in Zakopane, Poland after the...

Lois Romano and Lisa Romano reminisce about her brother, my uncle, Russell Frank Goode, Jr. and his childhood dog.

My mother, Lois Romano (92) and I, Lisa Romano (daughter 63), sat down in my moms kitchen to remember her brother Russell Frank Goode, Jr. (88) who passed away of COVID-19 in January 2021. She reminisced about his childhood dog...

Auntie-Grandma Jewel (sibling #7)

In the midst of the pandemic my family has been blessed with new life. I spoke with my Aunt Jewel about the experience of becoming a great-grandma during the outbreak. I thought I knew my aunt pretty well but this...

“It wasn’t easy” – Growing up in New York

My grandfather talks about the changes he experienced and how difficult life was growing up in New York with nothing. He discusses his relationship with his brother and some stories from schooling in Cuba. How he managed to overcome immense...

Mom Part 2 (sibling #15)

My mom and I caught up again over the phone. Just as southern states are beginning to reopen the virus is reaching our family like never before but my mom believes that her faith and military experience will carry her...

Interview with my mom about my childhood

My mom talks about how my brothers taught me how to ride a bike at age 3, and how they influenced me to be the person I am today.

Karen Ashley & Mike Drummond

As a Black woman, Karen has faced racism in the workplace and has been the only person of color in a meeting many times throughout her career. She shares with Mike what drew her to the DEI work she does...

Aunt Cherry (sibling #12)

My Aunt Cherry is the 12th of my Grandma Classy's children. We talked for a bit about the coronavirus, the ways she is keeping up with there grandchildren and how her church has handled the transition. My favorite part of...

Immigration Stories Italy: Jorida

Jorida Dervishi is an idealist through and through. Jorida came from Albania to Milan 4 years ago and opened her own school for women immigrants to help them learn to speak Italian. While working with her school devoted to women...

A heartwarming interview with my Vovo

I interviewed my grandmother from my mother's side. I asked her some questions about her life, why she immigrated to the United States in 1988, and what she was thankful for Thanksgiving.

“We were our own little support group”

Growing up in a family of eight, Lolly and her older brother, Tom, had the same congenital eye disease. He started a high-end cab company and three radio stations, ran for public office, and was a model for Lolly, showing...