Grandad Ira's view on selective service.

For a school assignment I needed to interview my grandfather and ask him some questions about the draft for Vietnam, he never served but hes always been an opinionated man so I figured his interview would be very interesting.

Anjali Patel and Mona Patel

Anjali Patel (18) interviews her mother Mona Patel (41). Anjali asked Mona about her childhood in India and differences between her life then and her life when she came to the United States. They also discussed Mona's college years, happy...

Aahaan Malik and Ajay Malik

Ajay Malik (47) speaks with his son, Aahaan Malik (18), about his early life growing up as a young boy in India and the difficulties and hardships he endured as he immigrated to the United States. He also discusses how...

Torn Between Two Cultures: On Being the Daughter of Immigrant Parents

Loyola University Chicago MSW student Kate Dawson talks with her best friend of many years, Chloe Kilano, about growing up with two immigrant parents from Iran. The two reflect on Chloe's experience of being a first-generation college student while challenging...

The journey from South Korea to America

Alan Yoon: 2020-10-12 05:54:29 Alan Yoon interviews his dad on his experience and memories that are all part of the family moving to America.