Julia Taylor and Denise Taylor

Julia (94) was interviewed by her granddaughter, Denise (45). Julia swam from Coney Island to Staten Island when she was 15.

Terry Dawson and Michael Gorin

One Small Step converastion partners Terry Dawson (66) and Michael Gorin (71) discuss questioning their faith, what "patriotism" means, and how to talk to people with political differences.

Patrick Duganz (39) and Grayson Duganz (10) 2/1/24

Patrick Duganz interviews his song Grayson who was six when the pandemic began. Grayson discusses the upsides of the pandemic (home, and games) and the downsides (school, being advanced for school after the pandemic).

Bob Christian & John Kraeuter: CERF and affiliate societies with a long-term perspective.

Bob Christian& John Kraeuter: 2021-08-26 17:54:59. John Kraeuter has been associated with CERF, AERS, NEERS and/or SEERS for over 50 years. He recollects on the informality of early meetings, notes changes and makes suggestions to improve meetings. Further, he relates...