Brandon Lowe and Daria O’Brien

Brandon Lowe (29) speaks with his One Small Step partner, Daria O'Brien (62) about their experiences specifically with inner city kids, homophobia, the Christian church and its ties to their political ideology.

Jenesi and Harrison's Interview

I interviewed my best friend Harrison, 19 years old, he is a Native American from the Cherokee tribe. I asked him questions about kind people he’s met, if he has any regrets, and he expresses his desire to follow and...

June Cena & Jerry Heraz

June, a Values in Action award nominee, and his manager Jerry discussed the values and work ethic that led to his five nominations. June attributes his strong work ethic to his parents and expresses gratitude for his supportive management and...

Warren Herndon and Calvin Philpott

Friends Reverend Dr. Warren Herndon (71) and Calvin Philpot (73) remember their childhoods growing up in the Durham neighborhood of Merrick-Moore. They also talk about recent changes and gentrification in the neighborhood and their hopes for the future of the...

Marianne Kast and Jason Johnson

One Small Step partners Marianne Kast (70) and Jason Johnson (50) have a conversation comparing their experiences working in education and with school resource officers. They talk about the importance of voting and not engaging in political discussions online.

Lillian Rojas and Donna Price

[Recorded: Friday, September 2nd, 2022] Lillian (20) and Donna (68) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Lillian is a Third Year student at the University of Virginia studying public policy, leadership, and religious studies. Donna is the...

Armand Zoulika and Mary Peterson

Armand shares with hospice chaplain Mary the meaning of Ramadan and the challenges of coming together as a community in person during COVID and shares his sorrow at the death of his mother and how he bakes to remember her.

Kevin Gaines and Richard Litchfield

[Recorded Tuesday, June 7, 2022] Kevin Gaines and Richard Litchfield have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, VA. Kevin is a professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Virginia and Richard is recently retired, having...

Sidney Davis and Dorothy Garza

Dorothy Garza (63) interviews her friend Sidney Davis (75) about how he beat cancer, what it was like being incarcerated for over 30 years, and the ways in which God influences his daily life.

The cancer life of Jaime Huerta

This interview was with my dad Jaime Huerta who was a survivor of lung cancer when he was 18. He tells his inspirational and true story of his process to survival and how hard it was.

Marilyn Schnell and Edward Schnell

Marilyn Schnell (76) talks with her son Edward Schnell (42) about her childhood and what is important to her. Marilyn grew up on a farm and taught kindergarten until she retired. She loves her family more than words can describe....

Identity and Faith: Growing Up Gay in the LDS Church

Tracey Fluegel (55) tells her son Oliver Fluegel-Murray (18) about her young adulthood after growing up in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Going into her struggles in discovering her sexuality and identity while in a culture that...

LaMeesha Courtney and Brandy Hibbs

One Small Step conversation partners Meesha [no name given] (45) and Brandy [no name given] (39) talk about pregnancy, abortion, parenting, divorce, Black Lives Matter and white privilege.

Rollie Zumbrunn and Don Gathers

[Recorded: Tuesday, August 23, 2022] Rollie (45) and Don (63) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Rollie works for Facilities Management at the University of Virginia, and Don is a deacon who served as the chair of...

LaQuesha Wiley and John Espinosa

One Small Step conversation partners LaQuesha Wiley (34) and John Espinosa (25) talk about their families, what it means to be a "moderate," vaccine hesitancy, and how COVID-19 has brought communities together

Faith with Caren McLaughlin

A Faith-Based interview for Eastern Washington University's COMM331 Class with Heather Robinson.

Maxwell Penders and Maria Terry

[Recorded: December 7, 2022] Maxwell Penders (20) and Maria Terry (42) sit down for a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, VA. Max is an undergraduate student at UVA studying computer engineering, with a deep interest in politics and government...

Jacqueline Lucier and Horace Johnson

Jacqueline Lucier (53) shares a conversation with her father, Reverend Horace Johnson (80), about his earliest memories of church, his call to the ministry, and the state of the church now. Jacqueline also talks about her relationship with the church...