June Cena & Jerry Heraz

June, a Values in Action award nominee, and his manager Jerry discussed the values and work ethic that led to his five nominations. June attributes his strong work ethic to his parents and expresses gratitude for his supportive management and...

Phyllis Smith & Laura Smith

Phyllis and her daughter Laura discussed the birth of Berkeley, Phyllis' son born in the late 70s, and how they were informed about his diagnosis of Down syndrome. In their conversation, they mentioned that one doctor advised against pursuing surgery...

Melody Fawcett, Nathan Blunt, Hilary Rajchel

Melody met her cousins, Nathan and Hilary about ten years ago as a result of genealogy research. They come together today to share what brought them to their searches and the impact it had on them and the family.

Pema Choden & Dan Hudson

Pema shared the story of her family's escape from Tibet and how they eventually came to live in the U.S. She also talked about her families relationship with the Dalia Lama.

Jennifer Justice & Kirsten Lavery

Jennifer shares her story with Kirsten of how through a series of unfortunate events she went from "supermom" to dealing with an opiate addiction and living on the streets. While on the streets she got pregnant with her third child....

Robert Surface, Marcella Kubalsky, & Briana Chestnut

Robert is on hospice with the Providence Hospice LA County program for the unhoused. Robert spent most of his life living on the streets of the South Bay area of Southern California. He spoke with his intake nurse, Briana and...

James Villalobos and Melody Fawcett

James discussed his upbringing in a loving family and faith. His mom being a beacon of love and support. He also discussed his mom's cancer diagnosis. He discussed the sacred encounter he had with his mom, a conversation that changed...

Sijaama Branch & Scott Acord

Sijaama shares her story of having sickle cell disease. How she felt embarrassed as a kid and hid it from everyone but her family. Over the years she has learned to manage the symptoms, but still has moments where she...

Susan Clark and Molly Swain

Former and current colleagues within the Providence Mount St Vincent foundation talk about what makes The Mount special. They talk about the importance of the mission continuing and the people, volunteers and residents who created a legacy.