Karen Keiser and John Braun
September 28, 2023 OSS Hub

One Small Step conversation partners and colleagues in the Washington State Senate Karen Keiser (75) and John Braun (56) discuss their Midwest origins, moving to Washington state, how their families shaped their politics, and how disagreement in legislative sessions leads...

Jerlena Griffin-Desta and Franceen Levy

One Small Step conversation partners Jerlena Griffin-Desta (61) and Franceen Levy (76) talked about how coming to the Bay Area influenced their perspectives and how complex and confining political labels and descriptions can be.

Vanessa Schoon Smith and Heather Brownlie

One Small Step partners Vanessa Schoon Smith (45) and Heather Brownlie (50) discuss the assumptions people make about them, political extremism drowning out moderatism, social media encouraging divisiveness, and their hopes for the future.

Marina Monsisvais, Sylvia Monsisvais, and Mauro Monsisvais

Marina Monsisvais (45) entrevista a sus padres, Sylvia Monsisvais (71) y Mauro Monsisvais (71), sobre su inmigración a los Estados Unidos desde Ciudad Juárez, México. Los dos emigraron sin saber inglés pero tenían un fuerte deseo de lograr sus metas...