Alex Mason & Ryan Berger

Alex shares with Ryan how when he went searching for a more meaningful job he stumbled on Providence's St. Joseph hospital, the place he was born. Alex talks about how rewarding his job is, working with the elderly and what...

Irene Luna and Breanna Davis

Nursing students, Irene (27) and Breanna (30) discuss starting nursing school during a pandemic.

Les & Susan Cooper

Les and his family had many narrow escapes from the Nazis during the war and they eventually managed to escape across the boarder to Austria from Hungary. They had to live in a camp for a few months before they...

Chad Ricks & Montserrat Archila

Chad shares with Montserrat the significance of Juneteenth and what it means to him. The importance knowing your personal and cultural history. Letting his spiritually help guide him when he faces challenges in his life.

Tracy Lee & Diamond Lee

Tracy Lee sat down with her daughter Diamond on her 50th birthday to share a story of her journey as a child growing up in poverty, forging a path in healthcare and passion for making a difference through inspiration.

Sarah Gross and Mary Mitchell

Sarah Gross, Development Assistant Foundation of Providence Mount St Vincent, describes her impression of "The Mount" and beginning her career there.

Kathy Edge and Stacie Clark

Stacie shares about how her role as the Clinical Community Liaison at Providence hospice helps foster teamwork and care for patients. She shares her admiration for the sacrifices, creativity nd deep care she has witnesses in caregivers working in facilities...

Suzy Banuelos & Rebecca Webster

Suzy & Rebecca both work for Providence Health in Napa California, but met because of their love of volunteer work they love to do in their community. One of those community outreach programs Providence works with is the Napa Resource...

Caroline Weingarten & Annette Weinberg

Caroline, 98, sat down with Annette to share her story about surviving the Holocaust. She was 13 when Hitler came into power. Looking for a way out, she was one of 300 who were allowed to go to Palestine, because...

Eva Perlman & Annette Weinberg

Eva was eight months old when Hitler come to power. Her father was part of the resistance and fled with her and her brothers to Marseille, France then on to Lyon where he continued to fight for the resistance. Her...

Mireille Lister & Annette Weinberg

Mireille's family was living a very nice life in Brussels, Belgium when the Nazis swept through Europe. Her father had a successful business making outerwear and when the Nazis got to Brussels, they commandeered the factory, keeping him on to...

Peter Lucero & Dr. Doug Wilson

Peter shared with his doctor, Doug Wilson, a little bit about his life and childhood and a recent experience he had involving Dr. Wilson. Peter recently died and came back with CPR and it has had profound affect on his...

Oscar Szmuch & Annette Weinberg

Oscar, born in Siberia, was a toddler when WWII broke out. His father was in the Russian military and could see what was taking place in Europe and became fearful for his family. After a stint in a Polish relocation...

Paulina Castiel & Annette Weinberg

Paulina, during the war the Nazis would make their lives miserable. When she was four they were taken from their home in Romania and forced them into a ghetto where they waited to be taken to Auschwitz. Her father was...

Markus Hofmann and Rosemary Hofmann

Markus (57) talks with his mother, Rosemary (91) about her life as a musician, teacher, performer, spiritual life connected to Bach, being adopted, WWII, on list to be deported from Germany

Tiffanie Walker & Montserrat Archila

Tiffanie shares with her friend and co-worker, Montserrat, the significance of Juneteenth in her life and historically. How she strives everyday to make sure everyone feels included so future generations will celebrate diversity.

Abebech Mergia and Charlie Shin

Abebeck, a caregiver with PACE, talks with coworker Charlie about Fasika (Ethiopian Easter) and explains this special time in her culture. Also talks about the importance of neighbors, coworkers and participants.

Thu Pham and Liz Wessel

Thu shared her story and Journey from Vietnam to the united States with her village. Thu discussed how their strong faith and love of their family kept them strong.