Michael Martini and Steve Bomgardner

One Small Step partners Michael "Mike" Martini (52) and Steve Bomgardner (61) talk about their upbringing, their relationship to religion, and their military service. They express concerns over the current climate of the United States and discuss term limits and...

David Heffelfinger and Steven Baum

David Heffelfinger (67) and One Small Step conversation partner Steven Baum (74) discuss impactful moments in their lives and historical moments in US politics.

Erika N. and Hugh Murray

One Small Step conversation partners Erika N. (66) and Hugh Murray (81) talk about LGBTQ+ issues, diversity in their lives and value sets, and their shared troubled feelings about lies being pervasive in the US.

Justin Friedman and Ericka Kay

One Small Step conversation partners Justin Friedman (49) and Ericka Kay (40) talk about how their families have impacted their political values. They also discussed how subjects including the environment, gun rights, the U.S. Constitution, religion, abortion and social media...

Nancy Mosley and Emily Bosch

One Small Step participants Nancy Mosley [no age given] and Emily Bosch [no age given] discuss their upbringing, how they approach the present day political landscape, and how they both like living in Birmingham.

Suzi [No Name Given] and Charles Bolton

One Small Step partners Suzi [No Name Given] (75) and Charles "Roger" Bolton (68) discuss their views on abortion, how history will view January 6, and whether impeachment proceedings against presidents help our country.

Sarah Heeke and Callie Dyer

One Small Step conversation partners Sarah Heeke (37) and Callie Dyer (53) talk about being young mothers, the juvenile justice and foster care system, feeling unrepresented in their region, the political divide and what it means to be a Kansan.

Bill Garrison and Billie Tucker Volpe

One Small Step conversation partners Bill Garrison (59) and Billie Tucker Volpe (65) discuss their Republican values, while diving into their differing views on President Donald Trump.

Cora Kessler and Elizabeth de Wolff

One Small Step partners Cora Kessler (29) and Elizabeth "Lisa" de Wolff (57) talk about identity, fear, and the impact of social media on the country's political divide. They reflect on their political upbringings and on how they choose to...

Susan [No Name Given] and Mark Brewer

One Small Step Partners Susan [No Name Given] [no age given] and Mark Brewer (62) discuss their experiences with race growing up during school desegregation, their personal values, the influence of media in polar partisanship, and the current political climate.