Annette Bergins and Jim Chojnacki

One Small Step partners Annette Bergins (86) and Jim Chojnacki [no age given] discuss how formative experiences with their families and the neighborhoods they grew up in influence their political views.

Susan B. and Jonathan Webster

One Small Step conversation partners Susan B. (58) and Jonathan Webster (35) have a conversation about their backgrounds and beliefs, touching on topics like education, politics, guns, and biases. They find common ground despite differences.

Donna Runnels and Jodi Edwards

One Small Step conversation partners Donna Runnels (71) and Jodi Edwards (63) talk about law enforcement and working in prisons, family dynamics and growing up, and the people or events that shaped their beliefs.

Debra Rich Gettleman and Adri Edwards-Johnson

One Small Step partners Debra Rich-Gettleman (58) and Adri Edwards-Johnson (47) discuss their relationships to Judaism, their experiences as mothers, their own backgrounds, and what it means to connect across political difference.

Christina Vogler and Tawanna Jamison

One Small Step conversation partners Christina Vogler (65) and Tawanna Jamison (52) discuss life in the city of Columbus, Georgia, their relationship to the military, and their hopes for the future.

Wally Derleth and Erin Pyles Smith

Strangers and One Small Step partners, Wally Derleth (64) and Erin Pyles Smith (34) talk about their differing political views, the loss of a parent, and how their speech teachers were influential people in their lives. They find parallels in...

Dan Pipes and Shanna Ratner

Friends, Braver Angels colleagues and One Small Step conversation partners Dan Pipes (57) and Shanna Ratner (67) talk about their political values, government structure, influences and experiences that shaped their perspectives, and their personal views on racism and education.

Scott Benolken and Martha Marnocha

One Small Step partners Scott Benolken (54) and Martha Marnocha (68) share a conversation about their mutual love of the North Shore, the disappearance of the middle class, over-tourism, and finding spirituality in nature.

Jill White and Holly [No Name Given]

One Small Step conversation partners Jill White (52) and Holly [No Name Give] (55) exchange their lived experiences and find many parallels. They relate as mothers over having children struggling on social media, considering online learning, and being independent thinkers.