Veronica Fischmann and Jenni Lippold

One Small Step conversation partners Veronica (36) and Jenni (42) have a conversation about their backgrounds growing up and living in different places, their experiences living abroad in Italy, and their views on having diverse communities and perspectives in their...

Antonio Cariello & Giuseppe Marrone

Antonio Cariello (me), and my soon-to-be 81 years old grandpa go over his best and worst moments. These span from his childhood during World War II to his experience fighting lymphoma, covering subjects like marriage and the birth of children...

John Ellis and Kara Silva

One Small Step partners John Ellis (43) and Kara Silva (51) discuss their shared love of the mind-expanding view travel provides. They reflect upon their difference religious views but shared sense of the importance of family and connection with other...

Immigration Stories Italy: Jorida

Jorida Dervishi is an idealist through and through. Jorida came from Albania to Milan 4 years ago and opened her own school for women immigrants to help them learn to speak Italian. While working with her school devoted to women...

Immigration Stories Italy: Mustapha

Mustapha's journey begins in Gambia and travels through 7 different countries before reaching Calabria, Italy. Mustapha tells of the great risk as he leaves his family behind to travel for months to Libya. Mustapha tells us of how when he...

Immigration Stories Italy: Lamin Tamba

Lamin Tamba, who goes by Lamin, and in our interview he shares horrific details of his journey from Senegal to Libya and then ultimately pushed onto a boat into the Mediterranean Sea in complete darkness, hoping he makes it safely...

Immigration Stories Italy: Reem and Rawan

Reem and Rawan are both daughters of Arab immigrants to Italy. Even though they were both born in Milan, Italy after their parents had immigrated to the country they are not considered citizens of Italy. Reem and Rawan talk about...