Charlie Szur and Michaela Brenner

turning one of our many facetime chats into an interview where i ask Charlie about his childhood, his college experience, and what it means to go home to an unaccepting culture.

One of the most life-changing events happened on that corner. This man cared enough about a street urchin to pick him up off the street.

(This interview contains strong language and brief descriptions of sexual acts.) As a highly-attractive young gay man, Randy quickly fit into the Dallas gay bar scene, found problems with drugs, sex, and prostitution. When he prostituted in front of Dallas...

Mugshots: Lindsey and Christine Jancay

Mother and daughter, Christine and Lindsey, have made it a tradition to come to Musikfest every year. Christine loves the food and music, and Lindsay shares how Musikfest helped her discover a love and interest in history and Bethlehem's storied...

An Interview with Dave Holt
January 16, 2018 App Interview

Kevin Kim (17) interviews his English tutor Dave Holt (69) about his childhood in a small town in Canada. Mr. Holt shares his story about living throughout the Cold War. He talks about his native American heritage experience. At minute...

The Life of a Music Producer

A brief glimpse of the creative process and mind of a music producer.

“I thought you loved me, I thought I’m your own flesh and blood”

The person I interviewed talks about the struggles of coming out/not being straight. (This is not a Ted talk.)

Uncle Gary Lazzara: From the Past to the Future

After over 10 years of pancake-filled breakfasts and festive holidays with him, Felicity finally decided it was time to give back. For the first time in a long time coming, she decided to put her Uncle Gary in the spotlight....

Kathleen "River" Artz-Iffland and Margaret DeRitter

Kathleen "River" Artz-Iffland (63) talks with friend, Margaret DeRitter (58), about her role as an out lesbian in Kalamazoo, her work to strengthen the lesbian community, and the family she created with her partner of 35 years.

Amy Parker discusses how growing up with her aunt and uncle shaped her world view and aspirations for life

Bridget Parker interviews her mother, Dr. Amy Parker, in Solebury Township on January 1, 2020. She discusses what her life was like growing up with her aunt and uncle. She grew up in Bloomfield, NJ and worked in both music...

Shawna Brown and Johana Gourdin

Friends Shawna Brown (34) and Johana Gourdin (26) share a conversation about Black joy and pleasure, queer space, transphobia, restorative justice, community resilience, and accountability. They also talk about the importance of music and movement, how their lives are different...

Music interview

my dad talks about his music career

Borden Wilson and Clay Wilson

Siblings Borden Wilson (57) and Clay Wilson (62) discuss childhood memories of growing up in Texas then moving to Florida. They talk about losing their father at a young age, growing closer over the years, taking care of their 93...

Religion, Sexuality, and my Mom.

This is a conversation about my mom(April Hammonds), her religious views, and having a gay son. Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and recorded by me, Anthony Lanci, the gay son.

Mason Cohen and Phillip McFarland

Mason Cohen, a high school student, discusses the childhood and childhood experiences for one of his educators, Phillip McFarland (Mr.McFarland).

Erika N. and Hugh Murray

One Small Step conversation partners Erika N. (66) and Hugh Murray (81) talk about LGBTQ+ issues, diversity in their lives and value sets, and their shared troubled feelings about lies being pervasive in the US.